Ok, so the things are not straight forward you will need to touch a bit of code. Hope you have FTP access cuz I need you to open the file named : dropdown-multisite-selector.php. It should be located in : wp-content/plugins/dropdown-multisite-selector.
Once you have opened the php file find function called function noneOptions()
. It it you will find a some rows like:
if ( $options ) {
foreach ( $options as $key => $value ) {
$out .= "<option value='" . $value . "'>" . $key . "</option>";
Then you need to add this one line of code between the if and the foreach :
$options = array_reverse($options);
So your new code should look like:
if ( $options ) {
$options = array_reverse($options);
foreach ( $options as $key => $value ) {
$out .= "<option value='" . $value . "'>" . $key . "</option>";
Then save the file and upload it back to your ftp from where you have opened it.
Then everything should work.
Sorry for the ‘hard way’ of doing something that seems to be out of the box but hope that some day will have time to finish the next version and will include this in it for sure.