Thanks again for your help. I am obviously where you were a few years back.
Currently all messages are appearing except for the lost password custom message. It is currently being overwritten by the default wp lost password message.
The additional new Login Form message for top of login page message does not seem to be appearing.
Also on your custom message page I don’t seem to be able to put two spaces between sentences, which is standard typing practice, even if I do the text just reverts to one space.
Also, I need to enter a change twice before it is accepted.
The problems with the messages were dur ot the New User approve plugin, I deactivated that and used another one, WP Approve User,
which so far has not caused any problems.
One last issue, when a user has registered, they are not taken back to the login screen, they have to do that manually. I have got around that by providing a custom menu link, so when the click on “back to Castle Images” the go straight to the home screen. Otherwise it would be a right PIA.
I look forward to the upgarde when you release, I don’t think now I will be able to do any more development until next week now.