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  • caimin_nwl


    How are you adding the location attributes?

    Thread Starter tarantej


    In the general options adding the attribute using the #_LATT{key} format and then using the same in the Location list formatting options.

    Plugin Support angelo_nwl


    just to confirm, did you add those under Events > Settings > General > General Options > Location Settings > Location Attributes ?

    Thread Starter tarantej


    yes i did

    Thread Starter tarantej


    Do event and location attributes require different variables for the same type of input?

    Plugin Support angelo_nwl


    #_LATT will should on locations page while you need #_ATT for single events pages.

    Thread Starter tarantej


    Tried it out. The values are still not appearing



    Which version of Events Manager are you using?



    I am not sure if this is the same situation or if I am doing something wrong..

    If I set up..
    #_ATT{Phone Number}
    #_LATT{Phone Number}

    And enter an Event with the Phone Number ie: 555-555-5555
    The “phone number” won’t automatically show up on the Locations Page..

    I must enter in.. on the Locations Page.. the Phone Number… Attribute.

    Thread Starter tarantej


    I am using version 5.6.2

    Thread Starter tarantej


    @robswaimea the #_ATT{Phone Number} attribute doesnt work on locations page. Did you give the value to #_ATT and #_LATT while editing the event?



    Actually… it seems like it IS working… I’ll have to get back to you later and look at what is or wasn’t going on…

    On my test site, which is a fairly clean install. There is one Metabox for Attributes with the Phone Number, and it seems like it works.

    On my live site, things are a bit more complicated.
    On the Events Page, I wanted to have the Meta Box with the Phone Number (and another Locations attribute) appear… In the big box Where, and down under Country… so if a User came in and entered an Event.. it would be plain and simple right there and not be confused by a Meta Box somewhere else on the page.. and thusly not see it or know what an Attribute Meta Box is.

    At this point.. as I was developing the site.. I only had #_LATT{Phone Number} active, not #_ATT{Phone Number} for events… I may have tried and it didn’t seem to work or whatever, and maybe what I have going on is screwy.

    What I have going on… is in..
    Down at the bottom last line…
    <?php if(get_option('dbem_location_attributes_enabled')){ em_locate_template('forms/location/attributes-public.php',true); } ?>

    As mentioned at this point in development.. I didn’t have #_ATT{Phone Number}

    With this support topic you started, I went back and double checked and now added #_ATT{Phone Number} for Events.

    What that did.. is add, to the “real” the Events Meta Box Attributes… Phone Number.
    So.. now.. there are two places to add Phone Number on Add an Events Page.
    And there is a problem with this…
    If you enter the Phone Number in the Where area under it’s area under Country… all seems good and the Phone Number gets passed to Events.. and will show up on the Single Events page.. with the associated #_ATT{Phone Number} add in the Settings->Formatting->Single Events.
    BUT.. if you enter the Phone Number in the normal Meta Box Attributes… the phone number doesn’t seem to “stick.”

    But all this shouldn’t be a problem for you… as you haven’t done what I did. As mentioned.. I tested on my “clean” test site.. and it seemed all ok.

    On my live site (the convoluted one)… The User never sees the Attributes Meta Box because I hide that, and when entering an Event, with a location not already registered, they can add the Phone Number there.

    I use a plugin called Adminimize.. to “hide” Meta Boxes etc at the user level. It’s a little complicated at first, and if you already have some User management or control it may conflict. But it’s really good.

    With my live convoluted site… as mentioned.. with now the new Events Attribute.. #_ATT{Phone Number}… only for me I have two Phone Number “input” boxes.. one in the Where box under Country.. and also the real Events Meta Box Attributes.. which appears to be the problem one. Because I hard coded the template mentioned above.

    But using Adminimize plugin.. I can hide that second Phone Number input area so I don’t get confused.. if I am editing a bunch of events and get sloppy when I am tired.

    Well all that was more than you needed to hear…
    And shouldn’t be a problem for you… as you haven’t done what I did. As mentioned.. I tested on my “clean” test site.. and it seemed all ok.

    And went back and did the same on the live convoluted site.. and all seemed ok there also.

    And hopefully I’m not super confused this morning and got this all messed up ! ??



    Hopefully support will comment on this last summary to the above..
    If I set up.. (in a normal environment.. not my convoluted one)
    #_ATT{Phone Number}
    #_LATT{Phone Number}

    I will have one Meta Box Attributes in Events.. and the same in Locations..
    If I add a new Event.. I put in the Phone Number there, and at the same time add a new Location..
    The Phone Number should also post to the Locations Page.
    With obviously in Settings->Formatting
    Events List #_ATT{Phone Number} and
    Locations List #_LATT{Phone Number}



    What happens if you give the attributes unique names, something like:

    #_ATT{Phone Number}
    #_LATT{Venue Number}


    Thanks Caimin…
    Because I am in the learning process for a lot of this.. when I read the Original Poster’s situation I revisited my setup.

    On my clean install “test” site… I’m not really having any problems.

    I actually did test something similar to your..
    #_ATT{Phone Number}
    #_LATT{Venue Number}

    And also had no problems, on either my “test” site or my my live “convoluted” site.

    On my live “convoluted” site.. I have hardcoded..
    Down at the bottom last line…
    <?php if(get_option(‘dbem_location_attributes_enabled’)){ em_locate_template(‘forms/location/attributes-public.php’,true); } ?>

    Which in turn puts the attributes below Country.. in the “When” locations box Add Events Page.

    For my situation.. the live “convoluted” site.. ( I am calling it convoluted because I hard coded the templates)….

    If I use…
    #_ATT{Phone Number}
    #_LATT{Phone Number}

    I get two input fields, for essentially, the same, attribute, on the same Add Events Page…. and what appears to be happening… is the “hard coded” input field I put in the above mentioned template… is priority… on the Add Events Page.

    Although… I am probably wrong that they are “essentially the same”.

    I am not sure, at this point if I am addressing the same situation as the OP.

    My goal… was Add Events Page, and at the same time if it was a new Location…
    put the Phone Number in… and thus the Location would have the phone number… included on the Locations Page.
    And thusly… if you were to visit the Event… the Phone Number would also be there.

    At this point… all seems to be working for me. My inexperience had me confused until I revisited this concept (support topic) as orginally it wasn’t working for me.

    The OP (tarantej) has not given Attributes examples he is using … so I really can’t tell if it is the same situation.

    My “Phone Numbers” is what I am using… and arrived at my “convoluted” set up from reading other support posts where people wanted to have an “input” field on Locations Page, or when they Add Event… in the “Where” box.. for a phone number.

    And the basic answer was use an attribute… and then in addition… I hacked the template, putting the “input” box where I wanted it… under “Country” in the “Where” box on the Add Events Page.

    1.) For the User… if they add an Event.. and I don’t already have the Location… they can put in the Phone Number and it is included when the new Location is added.
    The idea with using the hacked template… is so the Phone Number input field is right there infront of them… not stuck over in an Meta Box Attribute.
    For the User… keeping as simple and easy as possible brings them back.
    I get emails to add their events… and I respond that I set up an accout for them and they can do it themselves.
    And then they do… and I get an email back.. “WOW, that was easy !!”
    As an Admin… that’s the best compliment. As an Admin, you have to think that the User… is very inexperienced.

    2.) For Me… the Admin.. if I am adding a bunch of Events.. and they are new Locations… I can input the phone number and it is added to the Locations Page. Just saves a step in place of going back and manually entering the phone number on the Locations Page.

    3.) On my “Admin” Add New Locations Page… the Meta Box Attributes for Phone Number… is in a normal Meta Box Attributes. And that is just fine. Because as the Admin… well.. I know what and where and how to include the information.

    As the Admin… my Add Locations and Add Events look like the console for the Space Shuttle.
    For the User… I try to keep it looking like the dashboard of an 1960’s Volkswagon Beetle.

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