Thanks for the link!
The image alignment is displaying as expected due to how the theme is made. You can see examples of the different alignment settings here so you’ll know what to expect for different ones:
However, if you’d like to change that, you can use custom CSS to do so. Make sure you make any CSS adjustments in a CSS editor, rather than directly into your theme, to avoid losing your changes each time you update your theme. Since you’re using the Jetpack plugin, you could activate the Custom CSS module in the plugin and use that to add your CSS, if you’d like.
I played around with the CSS a bit (and tried to make sure it didn’t make things align oddly on smaller screens), so give this a try and see what you think:
@media screen and (min-width: 700px) {
img.alignleft {
padding-left: 70px;
margin-right: 10px;
margin-bottom: 0px;
If you’re using Jetpack’s CSS module, after it’s activated, you’ll go to Appearance > Edit CSS and paste the code in there, then save.
The 70px will shift the image to the left and 70 looks correct on my end (but you can change it to whatever works for you).
The other two numbers will adjust the spacing to the right and below your image in relation to the text wrapping around it. When I changed the padding on my test site, the gaps there were too large, so I added that too in case the same thing happens on your end.
Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any questions.