First of all, WPL shows property description in the listing by default but in the row style. Please check this: https://wpl28.realtyna.com/properties/?wplpcc=row_box
BTW, if you want to include a field in the property listing layout, the only way is modifying PHP files directly but you shouldn’t modify core files, you should override them first in your child theme and then modify the overrode file. Please check this KB article for this: https://support.realtyna.com/index.php?/Default/Knowledgebase/Article/View/549/
Then as ellekadie said in the last reply you should find your desired value in $property[‘raw’] variable and print it to the page.
If you need rendered value of your desired field, you should set plisting column of that field to 1 in the [wp_prefix]_wpl_dbst table. Then you’re able to find rendered value in $property[‘materials’] variable.
Realtyna support team