• Patrick.Tingen


    In one of the latest updates Contact Form wants the ‘FROM’ address to point to the same domain as the site itself. In my case it doesn’t but that is exactly what I want.

    People can subscribe to several things on our site and provide their email address. The email is then sent to the appropriate people, that is: both the one that subscribed and the one that should handle the subsciption. In bothe cases the From-address is the mail address of the other person involved. This is done so they both can easily respond to each other.

    Therefore, I ask you to remove this limitation, to make it optional or just give a warning instead of an error.

    The current situation is too strict since there are legitimate cases for having a different domain in the mail address


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  • atorres-1


    To solve the syntax problems you have to:

    1- Go to your form or create a new one and add the tags that you have there (text, email, text area, etc). It should be something like this:

    [text* Name placeholder “Your name”]

    [email* Youremail placeholder “Your Email”]

    [text* Subject placeholder “Subject”]

    [textarea* Your-message placeholder “Your message”]

    [submit “Send”]

    2- Go to the tab “Mail” and fill the input fields as follow:

    – To: the email where you want to received the messages.

    – From: the email of your website, be sure it has the same domain, like: [email protected]. Don’t worry about this, you will received the emails of the people who write you, this is just to avoid messages going to the spam folder.

    – Subject: Your subject tag, if you take a look to the point 1, in this case will be [Subject]

    – Message body: this is a matter of using the same tags you created in the point 1. So what you should have here is something like:

    From: [Name] <[Youremail]>
    Subject: [Subject]

    Message Body:

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