• iamsungkang


    I’m trying to add a context link for Boondock Saints DVD, but its acting strange for some reason.

    [amazonify]B000IY04Q8::text::::The Boondock Saints[/amazonify]

    It works fine when I’m logged in to my page and I view the site, but as soon as I logout and view the page, the link goes dead.

    The other strange thing, that happened: your plugin somehow created two other context link ads to similar products. Is it supposed to do this?

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  • GaryKeorkunian


    I’m not sure about the first issue you related. I will look into it.

    The second issue is what the Amazon Context Link script does. It finds relevant keywords in your page and automatically creates product links out of them. Sometimes, what it chooses to do is unusual. Unfortunately, Amazon doesn’t really give you a way to control this. You either user the script or you don’t. Amazonify merely supports the enabling or disabling of the script.

    I’ll get back to you on the first issue.



    I’ve looked into the issue you described and I have not been able to duplicate it.

    If you are still experiencing this issue, please contact me with me more information.


    Have been playing with Amaconify on a sandbox site. I am experiencing something weird. Everything seems to work ok with IE 7. I am doing product links. But when rendering in the latest version of Firefox the product image in the product type link does not show. Sometimes if I stack multiple instances one of them will show an image. Anything I might be doing?

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