• Hi,

    I need to set up a way that chooses which admin email the transaction notification should be sent to.

    Basically, I have a “department” checkout form field (https://media.mosaika.fr/fF5f) and based on the value of this department field, I choose to send the admin order notification to [email protected] or [email protected] email.

    I found precious hooks (thanks for that !) in the notification class, but i CAN’T access any precious data due to the fact that properties are private or protected.

    function msk_conditional_email_on_purchase($email, $transaction) {
    	//$form_data = new WPSC_Checkout_Form_Data( $transaction->purchase_log['id']);
    	$purchase_log = $transaction->get_purchase_log();
    add_filter('wpsc_purchase_log_admin_notification_address', 'msk_conditional_email_on_purchase', 10, 2);

    What’s the easiest way to get the transaction ID so I can finally access checkout form data ? I’m stuck with a lot of Cannot access private property WPSC_Purchase_Log fatal errors :/

    I’d really appreciate your help.

    Thanks a lot !


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