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  • Hello,
    Same issue here… did you find a solution ?

    Use wp_get_current_user() instead.

    Thanks, but the issue not seems to be into www/wp-includes/functions.php line 3657.
    It’s more like a plug-in issue because when I turn it off, the message disappears.

    And I am a neophyte, so I don’t know what to change or not in the mailpoet plugin folder

    Ok, so I gave it a try and I remplaced all get_currentuserinfo by wp_get_current_user() in


    (and i erased extras brackets)

    It’s seems to work now ! I am not 100% affirmative, but no more issue message, and i was able to register an e-mail to the newsletter.

    Hi all,

    I’m with the same problem, but i deactivate the plugin (Mail poet) and still the advice in : MY SITE

    And in the code line (functions.php) i cannot see the code to substitution.

    It’s another plugin that create the issue? (Or some plugins can be?)

    Thanks a lot for helping!!

    same issue after updated wordpress, ideas to fix it?

    I had this issue with 2 different plug-in.

    So, first step will be to deactivate your plug-in one by one to see which one(s) cause this message.

    Then,look for the concerned plug-in folder in /www/wp-content/plugins/“name of the plugin”

    Explore php files in this folder. You are looking for pieces of code get_currentuserinfo() ( I used the searchtool of pspad )

    When you found the php file with this piece of code, remplace it by wp_get_current_user() ( I used the remplacetool of pspad )

    ! Don’t forget to back-up php files you want to modify !

    I am a neophyte, but it worked for me with 2 plug-ins. Hope it will help you too.

    I discover the plugin in my case, that creates the issue IS NOT the Mail Poet, its Google Analytics by Yoast

    its mailpoet, change:

    \core\base.php : 68 line

    public static function wp_get_userdata( $field = false ) {
    		//WordPress globals be careful there
    		global $current_user;
    		if ( $field ) {
    			if ( function_exists( 'wp_get_current_user' ) ) {
    				// Here is an exception because of one of the weirdest bug
    				// the idea is to make sure we don't call get_currentuserinfo on the wysija_subscribers page when on a multisite
    				if ( ! ( isset( $_GET['page'] ) && $_GET['page'] === 'wysija_subscribers' && is_multisite() ) ){
    			if ( isset( $current_user->{$field} ) ){
    				return $current_user->{$field};
    			} elseif ( isset( $current_user->data->{$field} ) ){
    				return $current_user->data->{$field};
    			} else {
    				return $current_user;
    		return $current_user;

    and line 1222:

    public static function update_user_caps(){
    		global $current_user;
    		if(empty($current_user) && function_exists('wp_get_current_user')) wp_get_current_user();
    		if(empty($current_user)) return false;
    		return true;

    No my problem it’s solved just 5 minutes ago,,,


    Line no: 306




    I see another error in the blogg section.

    just in the bar for widgets…

    maybe i need also change the code that you say…

    I try and say to you the results…k0n0pka

    Thanks a lot!!! k0n0pka

    Works fine!! (also with the sending mail correctly)

    It also due WPBakery Visual Composer 4.3.4 version.
    Any suggestions to fix it

    Hi mitishi

    I did what you recommend in your post. But I have a custom fields and for this fields I become a following error message: jqv:custom rule not found – onlyNumberSp.

    And all the fields in the backend in the submit form have this errors:

    Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /wp-content/plugins/master-slider/admin/class-master-slider-admin.php on line 177


    Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in
    /wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-seo-pack/admin/aioseop_module_class.php on line 1241

    But I′m able to register an e-mail to the newsletter.

    Do you have an idea what I have to do?

    Best regards

    Hello twinsdz,

    I don’t use custom field…
    I am not even a developper, but did you check lines 177 and 1241. See if you find dupplicate brackets for exemple.

    Sorry i can’t help you, hope someone will rescue you .

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