want a button on admin column
i want help to get a button in my admin column im new to php so plz can u help me .
<?php function custom_admin_js() { ?> <script> $('input[name=Checkbx]').click(function() { var coc = $('input[name=Checkbx2]').get(0).value; // Send Request $.getJSON("https://www.omdbapi.com/?&plot=full&i=" + coc, function(data) { var valDir = ""; var valWri = ""; var valAct = ""; $.each(data, function(key, val) { $('input[name=' +key+ ']').val(val); if(key == "Director"){ valDir+= " "+val+","; } if(key == "Actors"){ valAct+= " "+val+","; } if(key == "Year"){ $('#new-tag-<?php echo get_option('year'); ?>').val(val); } }); $('#new-tag-<?php echo get_option("director"); ?>').val(valDir); $('#new-tag-<?php echo get_option("actor"); ?>').val(valAct); }); }); </script> <?php $api = get_option('tmdbapi'); if ($api == "true") { ?> <script> $('input[name=Checkbx]').click(function() { var input = $('input[name=Checkbx2]').get(0).value; var url = "https://api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/"; var agregar = "?append_to_response=images,trailers"; var idioma = "&language=<?php echo get_option('tmdbidioma') ?>&include_image_language=<?php echo get_option('tmdbidioma')?>,null"; var apikey = "&api_key=<?php echo get_option('tmdbkey')?>"; // Send Request $.getJSON( url + input + agregar + idioma + apikey, function(tmdbdata) { var valTit = ""; var valPlo = ""; var valImg = ""; var valBac = ""; $.each(tmdbdata, function(key, val) { $('input[name=' +key+ ']').val(val); if(key == "title"){ valTit+= ""+val+""; } if(key == "overview"){ valPlo+= ""+val+""; } if(key == "poster_path"){ valImg+= "https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w185"+val+""; } if(key == "backdrop_path"){ valBac+= "https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w780"+val+""; } <?php $api = get_option('apigenero'); if ($api == "true") { ?> if(key == "genres"){ var genr = ""; $.each( tmdbdata.genres, function( i, item ) { genr += "" + item.name + ", "; genr1 = item.name; $('input[name=newcategory]').val( genr1 ); $('#category-add-submit').trigger('click'); $('#category-add-submit').prop("disabled", false); $('input[name=newcategory]').val(""); }); $('input[name=' +key+ ']').val( genr ); } <?php } ?> if(key == "trailers"){ var tral = ""; $.each( tmdbdata.trailers.youtube, function( i, item ) { tral += "" + item.source + ""; }); $('input[name="Trailer_yt"]').val( tral ); } if(key == "images"){ var imgt = ""; $.each( tmdbdata.images.backdrops, function( i, item ) { imgt += "https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w300" + item.file_path + "\n"; }); $('textarea[name="imagenes"]').val( imgt ); } }); $('#title').val(valTit); $('#content').val(valPlo); $('#poster_url').val(valImg); $('#fondo_player').val(valBac); }); }); </script> <?php } } add_action('admin_footer', 'custom_admin_js'); $sp_boxes = array ( /* Agregar codigo IMDb */ __('Complete data imdb', 'mundothemes') => array ( array( 'Separador', 'separa', 'jqueryp' ), array( 'Checkbx2', __('Assign ID IMDb, example (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120338/) = <b>tt0120338</b>', 'mundothemes') ), array( 'Checkbx', __('Put the cursor in the text box', 'mundothemes'), 'button' ), ), /* trailer */ __('Images and trailer', 'mundothemes') => array ( array( $imagefix, __('URL Poster (optional)', 'mundothemes') ), array( 'fondo_player', __('Background Image URL (Fake Player)', 'mundothemes') ), #array( 'Trailer', __('Trailer (Embed code)', 'mundothemes'), 'textarea' ), array( 'imagenes', __('Backdrops - Place each image url below another', 'mundothemes'), 'textarea' ), array( 'Trailer_yt', __('Trailer ID Youtube', 'mundothemes') ) ), /* Datos extraidos de IMDb */ __('Movie Info', 'mundothemes') => array ( array( 'menuplay', 'menuplay', 'menudata' ), array( 'imdb', 'separa', 'separame' ), array( 'imdbRating', __('IMDB Rating', 'mundothemes') ), array( 'imdbVotes', __('IMDB votes', 'mundothemes') ), array( 'Title', __('Original title', 'mundothemes') ), array( 'Rated', __('Rated', 'mundothemes') ), array( 'Released', __('Release Date', 'mundothemes') ), array( 'Runtime', __('Runtime', 'mundothemes') ), array( 'Awards', __('Awards', 'mundothemes') ), array( 'Country', __('Country', 'mundothemes') ), array( 'Separador', 'separa', 'fin' ), array( 'tmdb', 'separa', 'separame' ), array( 'vote_average', __('TMDb Rating', 'mundothemes') ), array( 'vote_count', __('TMDb votes', 'mundothemes') ), array( 'budget', __('Budget', 'mundothemes') ), array( 'revenue', __('Revenue', 'mundothemes') ), array( 'popularity', __('Popularity', 'mundothemes') ), array( 'id', __('TMDb ID', 'mundothemes') ), array( 'status', __('Status', 'mundothemes') ), array( 'tagline', __('Tag line', 'mundothemes') ), array( 'Separador', 'separa', 'fin' ), ), /* Player Embeds */ __('Players', 'mundothemes') => array ( array( 'menuplay', 'menuplay', 'playermenu' ), array( 'sepa1', 'separa', 'separame' ), array( 'embed_pelicula', __('Embed code', 'mundothemes'), 'textarea' ), array( 'titulo_repro1', __('Title player', 'mundothemes') ), array( 'Separador', 'separa', 'fin' ), array( 'sepa2', 'separa', 'separame' ), array( 'embed_pelicula2', __('Embed code', 'mundothemes'), 'textarea' ), array( 'titulo_repro2', __('Title player', 'mundothemes') ), array( 'Separador', 'separa', 'fin' ), array( 'sepa3', 'separa', 'separame' ), array( 'embed_pelicula3', __('Embed code', 'mundothemes'), 'textarea' ), array( 'titulo_repro3', __('Title player', 'mundothemes') ), array( 'Separador', 'separa', 'fin' ), array( 'sepa4', 'separa', 'separame' ), array( 'embed_pelicula4', __('Embed code', 'mundothemes'), 'textarea' ), array( 'titulo_repro4', __('Title player', 'mundothemes') ), array( 'Separador', 'separa', 'fin' ), array( 'sepa5', 'separa', 'separame' ), array( 'embed_pelicula5', __('Embed code', 'mundothemes'), 'textarea' ), array( 'titulo_repro5', __('Title player', 'mundothemes') ), array( 'Separador', 'separa', 'fin' ), array( 'sepa6', 'separa', 'separame' ), array( 'embed_pelicula6', __('Embed code', 'mundothemes'), 'textarea' ), array( 'titulo_repro6', __('Title player', 'mundothemes') ), array( 'Separador', 'separa', 'fin' ), array( 'sepa7', 'separa', 'separame' ), array( 'embed_pelicula7', __('Embed code', 'mundothemes'), 'textarea' ), array( 'titulo_repro7', __('Title player', 'mundothemes') ), array( 'Separador', 'separa', 'fin' ), array( 'sepa8', 'separa', 'separame' ), array( 'embed_pelicula8', __('Embed code', 'mundothemes'), 'textarea' ), array( 'titulo_repro8', __('Title player', 'mundothemes') ), array( 'Separador', 'separa', 'fin' ), ), /* download player */ /* __('Downloads', 'mundothemes') => array ( array( 'descargas_link', __('HTML Code links downloads', 'mundothemes'), 'textarea' ), ),*/ ); add_action( 'admin_menu', 'sp_add_custom_box' ); add_action( 'save_post', 'sp_save_postdata', 1, 2 ); function sp_add_custom_box() { global $sp_boxes; if ( function_exists( 'add_meta_box' ) ) { foreach ( array_keys( $sp_boxes ) as $box_name ) { add_meta_box( $box_name, __( $box_name, 'sp' ), 'sp_post_custom_box', 'post', 'normal', 'high' ); } } } function sp_post_custom_box ( $obj, $box ) { global $sp_boxes; static $sp_nonce_flag = false; if ( ! $sp_nonce_flag ) { echo_sp_nonce(); $sp_nonce_flag = true; } foreach ( $sp_boxes[$box['id']] as $sp_box ) { echo field_html( $sp_box ); } } function field_html ( $args ) { switch ( $args[2] ) { case 'textarea': return text_area( $args ); case 'separame': return sepa_1( $args ); case 'fin': return sepa_2( $args ); case 'jqueryp': return jqueryplus( $args ); case 'playermenu': return menuplay( $args ); case 'menudata': return menudatos( $args ); case 'checkbox': case 'radio': case 'button': case 'text': return text_button( $args ); case 'submit': default: return text_field( $args ); } } function text_field ( $args ) { global $post; $args[2] = get_post_meta($post->ID, $args[0], true); $args[1] = __($args[1], 'sp' ); $label_format = '<label class="mtt" for="%1$s">%2$s</label>' . '<input class="mt" type="text" id="%1$s" name="%1$s" value="%3$s" />'; return vsprintf( $label_format, $args ); } function text_button ( $args ) { $label_format = '<input type="button" class="btmmt" name="Checkbx" value="'.__("Generate data from IMDb","mundothemes").'" />'; return vsprintf( $label_format, $args ); } function text_area ( $args ) { global $post; $args[2] = get_post_meta($post->ID, $args[0], true); $args[1] = __($args[1], 'sp' ); $label_format = '<label class="mtt" for="%1$s">%2$s</label>' . '<textarea class="mttt" name="%1$s">%3$s</textarea>'; return vsprintf( $label_format, $args ); } function sepa_1 ( $args ) { global $post; $args[2] = get_post_meta($post->ID, $args[0], true); $args[1] = __($args[1], 'sp' ); $label_format = '<div id="%1$s" class="separador">'; return vsprintf( $label_format, $args ); } function sepa_2 ( $args ) { global $post; $args = ""; $label_format = '</div>'; return vsprintf( $label_format, $args ); } function jqueryplus ( $args ) { global $post; $args = ""; $label_format = ' <script type="text/javascript" src=" '.get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/includes/framework/js/jquery-2.2.0.min.js?ver=2.2.0"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=" '.get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/includes/framework/js/idtabstbb.js"></script> '; return vsprintf( $label_format, $args ); } function menuplay ( $args ) { global $post; $args = ""; $label_format = '<ul class="idTabs menuplayer"> <li><a href="#sepa1" class="selected">'. __('Option 1', 'mundothemes') .'</a></li> <li><a href="#sepa2">'. __('Option 2', 'mundothemes') .'</a></li> <li><a href="#sepa3">'. __('Option 3', 'mundothemes') .'</a></li> <li><a href="#sepa4">'. __('Option 4', 'mundothemes') .'</a></li> <li><a href="#sepa5">'. __('Option 5', 'mundothemes') .'</a></li> <li><a href="#sepa6">'. __('Option 6', 'mundothemes') .'</a></li> <li><a href="#sepa7">'. __('Option 7', 'mundothemes') .'</a></li> <li><a href="#sepa8">'. __('Option 8', 'mundothemes') .'</a></li> </ul>'; return vsprintf( $label_format, $args ); } function menudatos ( $args ) { global $post; $args = ""; $label_format = '<ul class="idTabs menuplayer"> <li><a href="#imdb" class="selected">'. __('IMDb', 'mundothemes') .'</a></li> <li><a href="#tmdb">'. __('TMDb', 'mundothemes') .'</a></li> </ul>'; return vsprintf( $label_format, $args ); } function sp_save_postdata($post_id, $post) { global $sp_boxes; if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['sp_nonce_name'], plugin_basename(__FILE__) ) ) { return $post->ID; } if ( 'page' == $_POST['post_type'] ) { if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_page', $post->ID )) return $post->ID; } else { if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_post', $post->ID )) return $post->ID; } foreach ( $sp_boxes as $sp_box ) { foreach ( $sp_box as $sp_fields ) { $my_data[$sp_fields[0]] = $_POST[$sp_fields[0]]; } } foreach ($my_data as $key => $value) { if ( 'revision' == $post->post_type ) { return; } $value = implode(',', (array)$value); if ( get_post_meta($post->ID, $key, FALSE) ) { update_post_meta($post->ID, $key, $value); } else { add_post_meta($post->ID, $key, $value); } if (!$value) { delete_post_meta($post->ID, $key); } } } function echo_sp_nonce () { echo sprintf( '<input type="hidden" name="%1$s" id="%1$s" value="%2$s" />', 'sp_nonce_name', wp_create_nonce( plugin_basename(__FILE__) ) ); } if ( !function_exists('get_custom_field') ) { function get_custom_field($field) { global $post; $custom_field = get_post_meta($post->ID, $field, true); echo $custom_field; } } function logo_admin_wpRafael() { ?> <style type="text/css"> h1 a { <?php $logo = get_option('wpadmin-logo');if (!empty($logo)) { ?> background-image: url(<?php echo $logo; ?>) !important; <?php } else { ?> background-image: url(<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/logo_admin.png) !important; <?php } ?> background-size: 301px 51px !important; width: 301px !important; height: 51px !important; } </style> <?php } add_action('login_head', 'logo_admin_wpRafael'); function core_grifus() { } add_action('admin_footer', 'core_grifus'); function mostrar_trailer($id) { if (!empty($id)) { $val = str_replace( array("[","]",), array('<div class="youtube_id"><iframe width="600" height="450" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/','" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div><br><b class="icon-youtube4"></b> Upload on Youtube',),$id); echo $val; } else { echo 'No data'; } }
want this code in this code
<?php class CPAC_Column_COLUMN_NAME extends CPAC_Column { /** * This function will setup the column data * */ public function init() { // do not delete parent::init(); // Identifier, pick an unique name. Single word, no spaces. Underscores allowed. $this->properties['type'] = 'column-COLUMN_NAME'; // Default column label. $this->properties['label'] = __( 'COLUMN_LABEL', 'ac-COLUMN_NAME' ); // (optional) You can make it support sorting with the pro add-on enabled. Sorting will be done by it's raw value. $this->properties['is_sortable'] = true; // (optional) Enable/Disable inline editing support for this column. $this->properties['is_editable'] = false; } /** * Returns the display value for the column. * * @param int $id ID * @return string Value */ public function get_value( $post_id ) { // get raw value $value = $this->get_raw_value( $post_id ); // optionally you can change the display of the value. In this example we added a post link. $value = '<a href="' . get_permalink( $post_id ) . '">' . $value . '</a>'; return $value; } /** * Get the raw, underlying value for the column * Not suitable for direct display, use get_value() for that * This value will be used by 'sorting', 'inline-edit' and get_value(). * * @param int $id ID * @return mixed Value */ public function get_raw_value( $post_id ) { // put all the column logic here to retrieve the value you need // For example: $value = get_post_meta( $post_id, '_my_custom_field_example', true ); $value = '<input type="button" class="btmmt" name="Checkbx" value="'.__("Generate IMDb","mundothemes").'" />'; return $value; } /** * (Optional) Apply conditionals. You can remove this function is you do not use it! * * This determines whether the column should be available. If you want to disable this column * for a particular posttype you can set this to false. * * @return bool True/False Default should be 'true'. */ public function apply_conditional() { // Example: if the posttype does not support thumbnails then return false // if ( ! post_type_supports( $this->get_post_type(), 'thumbnail' ) ) { // return false; // } return true; } /** * (Optional) Inline editing settings. You can remove this function is you do not use it! * * @return array Editable settings */ public function get_editable_settings() { // available types: text, textarea, media, float, togglable, select, select2_dropdown and select2_tags $settings = array( 'type' => 'text' ); // (Optional) Only applies to type: togglable, select, select2_dropdown and select2_tags // $settings['options'] = array( 'value_1', 'value_2', 'etc.' ); // (Optional) If a selector is provided, editable will be delegated to the specified targets // $settings['js']['selector'] = 'a.my-class'; return $settings; } /** * (Optional) Saves the value after using inline-edit. You can remove this function is you do not use it! * * @param int $id Object ID * @param mixed $value Value to be saved */ public function save( $id, $value ) { // Store the value that has been entered with inline-edit // For example: update_post_meta( $id, '_my_custom_field_example', $value ); } /** * (Optional) Create extra settings for you column. These are visible when editing a column. You can remove this function is you do not use it! * * Write your own settings or use any of the standard avaiable settings. */ public function display_settings() { // You can write your own input fields here, or use the examples below... // The following settings are available out-of-the-box: // Display an image preview size settings screen // $this->display_field_preview_size(); // Display an excerpt length input field // $this->display_field_excerpt_length(); // Display a date format settings input field // $this->display_field_date_format(); // Display before and after input fields // $this->display_field_before_after(); // Displays a dropdown menu with user display formats // $this->display_field_user_format(); // Displays a text field // $this->display_field_text( $option_name, $label, $description ); // Displays a select field // $this->display_field_select( $option_name, $label, $options, $description ); } /* * (Optional) Enqueue CSS + JavaScript on the admin listings screen. You can remove this function is you do not use it! * * This action is called in the admin_head action on the listings screen where your column values are displayed. * Use this action to add CSS + JavaScript * * @since 3.3.4 */ public function scripts() { // wp_register_script( 'ac-COLUMN_NAME', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . "js/column.js" ); // wp_enqueue_script( 'ac-COLUMN_NAME' ); // wp_register_style( 'ac-COLUMN_NAME', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . "css/column.css" ); // wp_enqueue_style( 'ac-COLUMN_NAME' ); } }
plz any one can help
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