Small update for interested readers:
As some of our sites have various editors and we can not switch language of whole WordPress admin every time somebody adds a new form in some language, we are currently using a workaround for WPML.
It replaces the “Add new” button with a list of buttons for each registered WPML language and passes the language as undocumented param locale="xx_XX"
to CF7 form creation, screenshot.
With this workaround the form success/error messages and locale settings are set up in correct language.
1. WPML has to be configured to NOT translate CF7 posts (default).
2. “Add new” item in side menu is NOT affected/replaced.
3. If you edit/copy a form, it keeps the language of creation.
4. Tested with WordPress 4.5.2, WPML 3.3.8, CF7 4.4.2
5. Add code to functions.php of (child-)theme.
// WPML with CF7, hack to create forms with correct locale param
function wpml_cf7_admin_footer() {
$languages = apply_filters( 'wpml_active_languages', NULL, 'skip_missing=0' );
if ( !empty( $languages ) ) {
$languages = json_encode( $languages );
<script type="text/javascript">
var wpml_cf7 = <?php echo $languages; ?>;
var wpml_cf7_btn = jQuery('h1 a[href$="admin.php?page=wpcf7-new"]');
var wpml_cf7_href = jQuery(wpml_cf7_btn).attr('href');
var wpml_cf7_new = jQuery('<span/>');
if (wpml_cf7_btn && wpml_cf7_href) {
jQuery.each(wpml_cf7, function(key, obj) {
if (wpml_cf7[key].default_locale) {
.attr('href', wpml_cf7_href + '&locale=' + wpml_cf7[key].default_locale)
.attr('title', wpml_cf7[key].translated_name)
.attr('src', wpml_cf7[key].country_flag_url)
.css('margin-left', '4px')
add_action( 'admin_footer-toplevel_page_wpcf7', 'wpml_cf7_admin_footer' );
Maybe it helps somebody, feedback welcome…