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  • Hello Linux4Me2,

    As PHP 7 was only recently released, we have not fully been able to test dsIDXpress with it at this point. It is on our radar and something we will be testing soon. As of this moment, it may work fine, but we cannot guarantee you won’t run into any issues just yet.

    We certainly welcome you to check it out, though, and if you do run into any issues, please do send our support team here an email or give us a call to detail the specific issue you’re experiencing.

    One thing to note: because there can also be conflicts with other plugins or themes, it’s best to test in a clean environment to ensure there are no other conflicts.

    Our team here can be reached at [email protected] or by phone, 877-348-7654, dial 3 for Support.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Lindz Connell
    Diverse Solutions

    Thread Starter linux4me2


    Thanks for the info Lindz. At this point, I am still looking at the potential impact on all the software we’re running on the server before I pull the trigger on the upgrade, but I’m looking forward to doing so because of the performance boost. I will let you know if I run into any issues.

    Sounds good, Linux4Me2! We look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Using the PHP Compatibility Checker by wpengine, I’m only finding one problem:

    FILE: /nas/content/live/prucal/wp-content/plugins/dsidxpress/widget-search.php
    210 | ERROR | Deprecated PHP4 style constructor are not supported since PHP7

    That scan was on dsidxpress 2.1.41
    using PHP Compatibility Checker 1.1.2

    Thread Starter linux4me2


    Thanks Curtis. This is very timely information. I just updated the server to EasyApache4 a couple of days ago, and have begun testing a couple of sites with PHP 7, though I haven’t touched the site running dsidxpress, yet. I won’t now. : )

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