• Resolved Lab Lover


    I am seeing this php error, once per day on my server. Apparently it is being triggered by the WF scan. Can you assist me in diagnosing this?

    WordPress database error Lost connection to MySQL server during query for query SELECT * FROM fx0cvi5_options WHERE option_value REGEXP ‘(QGV4dHJhY3QoJF9SRVFVRVNUKTs|CQk8TUVUQSBodHRwLWVxdWl2PSJyZWZyZXNoIiBjb250ZW50PSIwO3tmcmFtZV91cmx9Ij4K|NjMuMjQzLjEyOC0yNTUuKg==|aWYoIWlzX3VzZXJfbG9nZ2VkX2luKCkpeyAKCglpZihpc3NldCgkX0NPT0tJRVsnd3BzZXNzaW9uJ10pKSByZXR1cm47CglpZihpc19hZG1pbigpKSByZXR1cm47CglpZihmdW5)’ made by do_action(‘wp_ajax_nopriv_wordfence_doScan’), call_user_func_array, wordfence::ajax_doScan_callback, wfScan::wfScanMain, wfScanEngine->go, wfScanEngine->doScan, call_user_func, wfScanEngine->scan_database_main, wordfenceDBScanner->scan, wfDB->querySelect


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  • Plugin Author WFMattR


    This could be caused by the option “Scan database for backdoors, trojans and suspicious code” — it sounds like the database server has a time limit on how long it will let queries run.

    Since the query is unable to finish you aren’t getting the benefit of that scan anyway, so you could disable that option to avoid the error message and the load it causes. (If it is preventing the rest of the scan from finishing, this might be necessary.)

    Alternately, if the rest of the scan still works correctly, you could leave it enabled in case your host upgrades the server in the future, which may make it run fast enough to complete properly.

    -Matt R

    Thread Starter Lab Lover


    I have disabled that scan and will check the logs to see if the error persists.

    Thank you for taking the time to post such a detailed response!

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