• Here are my issues:

    First—the counter is counting a page hit twice—that is 2 counts for 1 hit. Any solution?

    I have enabled it on the home page without much problem and it is gathering statistics. However, I want to place it on a Woocommerce default shop page and the shortcode doesn’t process, but shows up as text on the page in the browser. I have tried different ways—including in the sidebar within a text widget which usually works with shortcodes—but it just shows up as text and the shortcode isn’t processing.

    Any advice to fix this? What is the best way to insert the shortcode?
    The other question is about the “Who Hit The Page,” “View All The Details” section where it lists visitors in one vertical column. This looks like this will get infinitely deep; if it keeps adding visitors it will be a mile-deep page in no time. Is there any way to break this listing into pages with control over how many are visible per page? Or, is there some way to delete the listings and keep the data as to page hits, location, browser, etc. I’m afraid if I delete a listing the associated hit data will be deleted too.
    I’m just afraid it will get so many listings that it will become invisible.

    Let me know. I love the plugin because it’s simple and works with a shortcode for specific pages, so I hope you can help me with these issues.

    – Michael Blair


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