Product Variations Stock Issue after 2.4 – 2.5.1 update
Not an immediate issue as I ran this all offline, however after upgrading from 2.4 to 2.5.1 I am suddenly unable to save certain settings in Variations on a variable product.
The main crux of the issue seems to be around managing stock levels. I can enter an individual stock level for a variation and save it however I cannot alter the status “In Stock” or “Out of Stock”.
I have also found that turning off manage stock-levels in Variable product wouldn’t save but it would then allow you to change the status from “In stock” to “Out of Stock” and those changes would save even if the manage stock tickbox didn’t.
To clarify I am using variable products whose stock levels are determined by the parent-product. So Manage stock is enabled under “Inventory” with the overall stock-level. In order to use this parent figure I have left all variable products with “Manage Stock” enabled but 0 Value in the stock level (So it grabs the value from the parent) However the value of “Stock Status” is stuck on “Out of stock” unless I manually inject the SQL into the database, or turn-off Manage Stock and then change it.
Quite annoying also that in products that are already set-up I cannot edit the product variations without it resetting the value of “Stock Status” back to out-of-stock.
Is the “Stock Status” trying to derive it’s value from the variable product stock or something? Because I can see that conflicting with the ability to derive a variable products stock level from the parent stock.
Either way it’s not an immediate concern as this is all offline at the moment. I wonder is anybody having any similar issues? If they’re not can I assume this is a problem with my XAMPP set-up or local machine?
No worries,
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