• Resolved devra


    When Raw HTML plugin is activated, the Visual Editor for GravityForms Setting for Admin and User Notification is broken. In the Visual Editor, nothing is displayed, and I can’t enter my cursor in the box. If I switch from the Visual Editor to the Text Editor tab, I still see nothing, and I can’t switch back to the Visual Editor. I can get around this problem by disabling the Visual Editor in my User Profile. Then, only the Text tab is displayed in the Gravity Forms Notification Editor. This is fine for me, because I can enter my notification message in HTML. But it is not friendly for the non-technical site administrator, who is really the one who should be updating the Notification messages.

    Similarly, I installed ITRO Popup plugin, which allows you to enter a popup message in its dashboard settings. Again, the Visual Editor shows no message, and won’t accept entry. And if I disable the Visual Editor in my User Profile, I see content in the Text Editor, under the ITRO dashboard settings, and am able to edit it.

    The problem with the GravityForms Notification settings has been that way for years. By process of elimination, I just realized that this was due to the Raw HTML plugin.


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  • Plugin Author Janis Elsts


    That sounds like a JavaScript error of some sort. Could you please check the JS console for error messages? See: how to open the console in different browsers.

    Most likely, the error (if any) will show up either when you open then page that contains the editor or when you switch between the Visual and Text tabs.

    Thread Starter devra


    When I click in the dashboard on Settings > ITRO Popup, I get the following JS console messages in Firefox Firebug JS Console when the page appears:

    ReferenceError: rawhtml_placeholder_image is not defined
    .init() tinymce…0150910 (line 11)
    ed = Object { documentBaseUrl=”https://www.hollywoodballroomdc.com/wp-admin/”, settings={…}, id=”custom_html”, more…}
    url = “https://www.hollywoodball…-html-pro/editor-plugin”
    e() tinymce…0150910 (line 9)
    n = “ws_rawhtml_plugin”
    n() tinymce…0150910 (line 2)
    e = [“charmap”, “colorpicker”, “hr”, 16 more…]
    n = e(n)
    r = [“charmap”, “colorpicker”, “hr”, 16 more…]
    S.prototype.init() tinymce…0150910 (line 9)
    S.prototype.render/t/<() tinymce…0150910 (line 9)
    n/this.loadScripts/p/<() tinymce…0150910 (line 4)
    e = Object { scope=n, func=function()}
    n() tinymce…0150910 (line 2)
    e = [Object { scope=n, func=function()}]
    n = function(e)
    r = [Object { scope=n, func=function()}]
    n/this.loadScripts/p() tinymce…0150910 (line 4)
    n/this.loadScripts/p/</<() tinymce…0150910 (line 4)
    i() tinymce…0150910 (line 4)

    var placeholderSrc = rawhtml_placeholder_image; tinymce…0150910 (line 11, col 8)

    When I then click on the Text Tab, I get the following js console error message:

    TypeError: this.getDoc(…) is undefined

    …dy:function(){return this.bodyElement||this.getDoc().body},convertURL:function(e…
    tinymce…0150910 (line 10, c

    Here are the error messages I get from the Firefox regular js console. A bit easier to read:
    When ITRO Popup plugin rendered page:

    ReferenceError: rawhtml_placeholder_image is not defined tinymce-plugin.js:11:8

    .init() tinymce-plugin.js:11
    e() tinymce.min.js:9
    n() tinymce.min.js:2
    S.prototype.init() tinymce.min.js:9
    S.prototype.render/t/<() tinymce.min.js:9
    n/this.loadScripts/p/<() tinymce.min.js:4
    n() tinymce.min.js:2
    n/this.loadScripts/p() tinymce.min.js:4
    n/this.loadScripts/p/</<() tinymce.min.js:4
    i() tinymce.min.js:4

    When I clicked from Visual tab to Text tab:

    TypeError: this.getDoc(…) is undefined tinymce.min.js:10:4225
    S.prototype.getBody() tinymce.min.js:10
    S/o.$<() tinymce.min.js:9
    t() tinymce.min.js:3
    l() plugin.min.js:1
    <anonymous> plugin.min.js:1
    i() tinymce.min.js:7
    .fire() tinymce.min.js:7
    S.prototype.hide() tinymce.min.js:10
    d() load-scripts.php:732
    b/b/<() load-scripts.php:732
    i() tinymce.min.js:2
    m() tinymce.min.js:2

    I greatly appreciate any help you can give me on this.

    I’m actually seeing this exact same error when using the EasyModal Plugin. The content ares is completely disabled as a result.

    I was going to open a few ticket but recognized this as the same problem I was having. If you’d still like me to open a few ticket let me know and I will.

    Thanx a bunch!

    Plugin Author Janis Elsts


    Thank you for posting the error details.

    Based on the message, it looks like you are using an outdated version of Raw HTML Pro that is more than 3 years old. Try updating to the latest version – it should fix the error.

    Thread Starter devra


    Thank you very much. I didn’t realize my version was out of date. I purchased the new version of Raw HTML Pro, and that did the trick. My visual editor is working correctly in both those plugins.

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