• Resolved ac1643


    Hi, two quick questions:

    1) will Gator Cache work fine with autoptimize?

    2) Will I need to add gzip and deflate code to htaaccess file or does Gator Cache do this itself?

    3) I read a review of caching plugins here: https://wpdevshed.com/best-wordpress-cache-plugin/. Gator Cache performs well but not as well as some others. Do you think that this is because of certain features that are built into some cache plugins and not in others (eg wp-rocket can minify and compresses code whereas many do not)? If so do you think the performance of the fastest cahce plugins could be attained using Gator plus other plugins to add the additional features (eg autopitmize, lazyload etc).



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  • Thread Starter ac1643


    sorry three quick questions!

    Plugin Author GatorDog


    1) Pretty sure autoptimize works with GatorCache, but not really sure if that’s one I’ve tested. Would have to go back in the support threads to see.

    2) Pages are cached in gzip format if supported. You should actually be using the recommended htaccess rules for http caching for best performance.

    3) GatorCache was designed for actual server time response, no on-page optimizations are done. If you look at the apache benchmarks, it does a good job of that. Also, if you use http caching, ie use the recommended htaccess rules for Apache, the response-time speed will depend upon your web-server, nothing to do the plugin in question.

    Thread Starter ac1643


    Thanks for your answers

    Plugin Author GatorDog


    Did check this out and verified that the current version does work with autoptimize 2.0. However, currently, it would require manual deletion of your site cache when you delete the autoptimize cache. However, this has been changed in the next version of GatorCache (2.0.11), which should be rolling out this week. The GatorCache will be purged anytime the autoptimize cache is deleted, keeping the two in sync.

    The GatorCache will be purged anytime the autoptimize cache is deleted, keeping the two in sync.

    that’s great news, thanks for that! let me know if anything can/ should be done in AO to ensure optimal compatibility!

    frank (AO’s dev)

    Plugin Author GatorDog


    Thanks, there is one thing. It looks like the AO cache is flushed before all plugins have loaded, before GatorCache has a chance to plugin the wp_cache_clear_cache function. So I ended up hooking autoptimize_action_cachepurged for this to work properly. However, I think the AO plugin should actually do this like it does with the cron hook. It would be nice to have it call the hook direct from autoptimizeCache.php, after line 132, ie:

    add_action('autoptimize_action_cachepurged', 'autoptimize_flush_pagecache');

    the autoptimize_action_cachepurged-action is very new, the cronned autoptimize_flush_pagecache-function exists longer and was introduced as a clumsy workaround for the fact that the cache was flushed by autoptimizeCache.php before plugins were loaded.

    now that we have autoptimize_action_cachepurged we could indeed simply hook autoptimize_flush_pagecache into that, doing away with both the (oldest) inline purge-code and with the cronning of autoptimize_flush_pagecache

    give me some time to think this through some more, but chances are this would be a nice clean-up exercise ??


    Plugin Author GatorDog


    Thanks, yes, I agree, that would be the most reliable method, simply run the external cache purge from the autoptimize_action_cachepurged hook doing away with the inline purge and cron job.

    committed first attempt to github, let me know if you have any concerns ??


    Plugin Author GatorDog


    Took a look earlier this week, looks like it should work. Noticed you changed the refresh hook to init. I think some of the other cache plugins start on init (not GatorCache), so you may want to set that to a higher priority, ie before 10. But it probably doesn’t matter if refresh is only done from admin panel? I’ll probably clone a copy and verify the compatibility before releasing the next GatorCache version in the next day or two.

    Noticed you changed the refresh hook to init.

    Hmmm … maybe I should make that plugins_loaded instead …

    Plugin Author GatorDog


    That hook would probably be better than init for purging the cache. In the latest release of GatorCache yesterday, I added compatibility to work with your early buffering option, which seems to work out for the best. Please let me know when you do update Autoptimize, then I’ll remove the hook from GatorCache so it doesn’t, in effect, fire twice.

    OK, after seeing your code I understand, I’ll ping you here when I release AO 2.0.1 (probably end February/ beginning of March)


    Please let me know when you do update Autoptimize, then I’ll remove the hook from GatorCache so it doesn’t, in effect, fire twice.

    I just released AO 2.0.1.

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