A forum is a discussion area where all participants interact with all others. Typical forums on a discussion board are moderated discussions by one member moderating or “managing” the direction of the discussion between all members.
A blog (short for web log) in it’s true nature is a log of one persons thoughts, ideas, much like a diary. The Blog has since become a “participation” medium through which the author of the blog can allow people who read it, to comment on what they read. This sometimes transforms into a discussion (of one post item) between the author and one or more people. This dialogue differs from a forum because a blog has no members and is not typically a group discussion but usually transforms into one.
It seems to be that you are trying to make a blog fit into your news service. This is not impossible, however, if you give “authority” rights to anyone to create posts as the author (you), then you are giving them rights to change, delete, or add other posts you have created. It also give them the ability to delete your blog all-together.
If you would like a forum, look into the Forum Company at Forumco.com
If you do not want others to create topics for discussion (adding new posts) to your news service, then they are restricted to “commenting” on the posts “you” create as the author. In a Forum, members can create topics of discussion(posts). In a Blog, “readers” can comment (or post a comment) on an article or idea you have “posted.”
My advice for anyone attempting to manage a news service, or a discussion group, to be at the very least, familiar with the proper basic terminology of the trade they are delving into.