• The Virtual Visionary


    I just updated the Evolve theme for a client and the title/description bars that went all the way across the bootstrap slider photos on the homepage are now aligned on the left. Apparently, this is a design change that doesn’t allow the option of going back to the original full-width design of the title/description bars. I see this is an issue with many others, but I haven’t been able to find an answer. I don’t want to lose the color customizations to these bars either, but it’s in the custom CSS, so hopefully that won’t be an issue.

    Original design: https://f06.70c.myftpupload.com/

    Updated design: https://differentdream.com/

    I know how to add custom CSS in the theme options, I just don’t know what code to add to make this change back. Please advise via step-by-step instructions ASAP.

    Or if someone can tell me how to revert back to the previous version of this theme, that would also be acceptable. I just have no idea how to do that.

    I designed the graphics around the original placement of those bars. This is a time-sensitive issue as this web design was for a client that was just launched TODAY, and then I saw a theme update, read it, updated, and screamed at the changes I did not expect to see. I read the update details and did not see anything about a change in the bootstrap title/description bars position.

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