Hi there,
To @sarahloveandletters, Yes, that is a limitation for donors who donate and are not logged in. Since this is sensitive information we cannot simply post it publicly with a static URL which anyone could access. So instead it is only viewable for users who visit that page with the correct cookie in their browser from the same IP address.
To @zdavis, if you require or ask for registration in your login form, then your donation is saved to your Donor History and will always and reliably be available. But if you are logged in and don’t require a login to donate that you’ll have the same issue that Sarah reported. You’re “session” changes every time you login or logout, so if you donate, then login or logout you will no longer be able to view that receipt correctly.
Overall, we’re not satisfied with the functionality of the non-logged in donor receipt page and are working on a totally different solution soon. For now, I recommend that you update your Donation Email receipt to display all the relevant donation information via the email tags that you see directly under the email editor option.