• I am using Visual Composer to build a site and I just installed Polylang to have the site in both French and English. Everything works great except for the Post Masonry Grids on the blog page.

    There are two grids. The first one only displays the last post, while the second grid displays all the posts (only two for now). For some reason, the Post Masonry Grid Visual Composer “module” isn’t able to display the posts in English (2nd language), only in French (main language). So whether the page is in English or French, the Grid only displays posts in French despite me using the Language > English filter in the Narrow Sources option in the backend. The blog posts do exist in both languages. When you’re on the single post page and you click on the US flag in the footer of the site, the post switches to English without any problem. So it looks like the language filter isn’t working in the Post Masonry Grid “module”. Any idea if it’s a VC bug or a Polylang bug?

    As a temporary solution I added both languages into the French version of the posts, so if you see the posts with both French and English in them, it means they’re the French version. Meaning it’s not working and that the grid displays the posts in French only.

    Screenshot of WordPress settings: https://imgur.com/pyG93hF

    Link to page: https://hublyn.ddns.net:10080/auboutdumonde/en/events/


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