Hi sudiptajinsoft,
This is a very interesting idea. At first glance I would say following:
There must be some criteria for joining tags. It is important that all tags should meet these criteria. Otherwise there should be some manual way of joining separated tags. On another hand we should not forget that in most of shapes the tags take places on points that belong to a curve. Connecting them in that way would be easiest but not nice, because we will get some kind of a spiral. In the end – the plugin is based on Graham Breach’s JS TagCanvas library, so it can do only things that this library can do. Anyway I’ll discuss the idea with Graham so we will see what can be done.
So at this moment drawing lines between tags is impossible.
Regarding circular tags you can make it only with image tags using a proper value for Image Radius (49 or 61). I will discuss with Graham if another type of weighting can be implemented where the radius of a circle around a tag depends on the tag’s usage.
As to number of posts where particular tags are used, I’m adding it to my to do list, so hopefully this feature will be available in the next plugin version.
Thank you for your suggestions!