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  • It looks like Autoptimize is returning your desktop theme’s JavaScript for mobile requests, preventing WPtouch’s JavaScript from loading. Try disabling that plugin to see if it results in an improvement.

    We generally recommend avoiding Autoptimize as it can cause difficulties with JavaScript load order. Judging by the number of scripts being loaded by your site, that plugin likely won’t cause any significant performance changes in your case.

    Hiya guys;
    Not confident this is AO’s doing (which I know pretty well ?? ); the same page is shown with and without AO (just add ?ao_noptimize=1 to the URL).

    Moreover, based on my own tests there is no fundamental conflict/ problem between WPTouch and AO. AO uses the output buffer to catch whatever HTML (mobile of not) and extracts JS & CSS for that page in the order it is found, injecting links to the optimized JS/ CSS.

    Martin; don’t hesitate to ping me (futtta-at-gmail-dot-com) if you or one of your colleagues would like some additional support ??


    Thanks Frank,

    There’s only one JavaScript file being loaded on the page:, which includes none of WPtouch’s JS but has essentially the same contents as the version loaded with the desktop theme active.

    Nahhh … compare these;
    1. -> autoptimize enabled, showing non-WP touch page
    2. -> autoptimize disabled as per querystring (cfr. HTML source, I don’t seem to see wptouch-specific JS by the way?)
    3. -> W3TC’s cache-busted, autoptimize enabled, same page as (2)

    my conclusion; a W3TC page caching config issue rather then a problem with AO? or a problem with WPtouch config, as the non-autoptimized version also lacks WPtouch JS?


    Good call. @kay_keri – perhaps you can disable W3 Total Cache temporarily and see if that allows the WPtouch JavaScript on your site to load.

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