• Dear all,

    Today, when visiting my website, I spotted that my sidebars were empty. Going to the admin page to find out why, I couldn’t find any explanation, as the widgets were active and they were mentioned on each page. Nothing seemed changed from the last time I logged in but somehow, something made the sidebars invisible.

    Can anybody explain why and how I can change this?

    My website: https://www.BastArto.com

    Thanks in advance!

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  • Looks like your theme is experiencing some JavaScript issues (something is definitely not right with whatever is adding classes to your body tag – using Firefox’s developer tools to view the underlying rendered HTML, the body tag keeps flipping between adding/removing classes). While I don’t think that this should cause any issues with the get_sidebar() WordPress API call in your theme’s template pages, it may cause issues with any CSS styling being applied. That may be why we aren’t seeing any widgets/sidebars. Ultimately though this looks like an issue with the theme and without seeing the underlying PHP and WordPress API code, that’s about all the answer we can provide.

    Thread Starter bastarto


    Thank you very much for your insights! What can I provide in order for you to take a look? I’m far from experienced and although this sounds slightly familiar to me, I have little knowledge of the issues your brought under my attention.

    I have a duplicate of the Bastarto.com website in Dutch and this one does run smoother: https://www.studiochrispeterson.com

    Would it be possible to copy the CSS back into the Bastarto.com site?

    Thanks again

    What theme are you using? Your best help for any theme, free or paid, would be to contact the theme developer for support. They would have the most knowledge about how their code works.

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