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  • I am having the same problem – Tried to logon to my custom admin URL and it never logs me in, just refreshes the page. Tried clearing cookies and cache, but I get the same result.

    I have found disabling AIOWPS from the backend allows me to login again with wp-admin. But I want to get back all my awesome AIOWPS features:) Let me know what I can do.

    I have not upgraded to 4.4 yet.

    Let me know if you want me open a new thread for my issue or just keep it here.

    Quick update on my end. I cleared the settings in aio_wp_security_configs (not sure if that’s the proper way to do it) and activated AIOWPS again. Everything seems fine now. I just had to go in and reconfigure all the settings. I was even able to rename my admin login page to the same as it was before. So I am good to go.

    Plugin Contributor mbrsolution


    @idahorafting are you entering the login page with the new secret word? For example [] without the square brackets.

    Thread Starter idahorafting


    Plugin Contributor mbrsolution


    So you are not able to log in any more?

    Thread Starter idahorafting


    I could not login, I had someone else try, they got the same results.

    I have fixed it by deleting the files from the wp-plugin directory and reset the .htaccess

    I am in, but don’t know if I should reinstall the plugin.
    I use it on a different site (same settings) with no problems.

    Plugin Contributor mbrsolution


    What the difference between the site that works and the site that does not work?

    Thread Starter idahorafting


    nothing that I can tell, same set of plugins, same theme
    don’t know, unless there was some bot that was hitting the one and not the other ?

    Plugin Contributor mbrsolution


    You can reinstall the plugin but don’t enable any of the Brute Force features. Test to see if you can log in with out a problem?

    Then enable the rename Brute Force feature but don’t add a ? question mark. Only add letters and numbers. Then try to log in again see what happens.

    Plugin Contributor wpsolutions



    I have changed the login url

    Which brute force feature did you use to change the login page?
    – Cookie based brute prevention


    – Rename login page

    What are your permalink settings of your wordpress site?

    I’ve just had the very same problem with a friends website, this thread helped put me in the right direction so here’s what I did…

    1. Logged via ftp
    2. Download the .htacess file from the root directory
    3. Make a copy, then open the original downloaded file in a text editor
    4. Delete all the comments associated with AIOWPS plugin from #AIOWPS_BLOCK_WP_FILE_ACCESS_START to # END All In One WP Security and save as .htaccess (make sure you keep the backup of the original file just in case)
    5. Back in ftp, navigate to the plugins directory
    6. Disable AIOWPS, you don’t need to delete it, just rename the directory, I put a – in front of the name so it was -all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall
    7. In ftp navigate to the root and upload the edited .htaccess file
    8. You should now be able to login using wp-admin eg

    To restore AIOWPS, in ftp put the plugin directory back to its original name, all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall, In the wordpress Dashboard, go to Plugins, then Activate AIOWPS, log out of WordPress and navigate to your custom login url eg and you should be able to login as normal.

    I’m not sure if this has completely fixed the issue, but for the moment, all seems OK and I hope it helps.

    Ohh and it’s WP version 4.3.1, not upgraded to 4.4 yet.

    I use WordPress 4.4 and to solve the problem I make:
    1. Deactivate AIOWPS plugin;
    2. Reactivate AIOWPS plugin;
    3. I click Yes to “Would you like All In One WP Security & Firewall to re-insert the security rules in your .htaccess file which were cleared when you deactivated the plugin?”.
    And work perfect!

    Plugin Contributor mbrsolution


    I am marking this support thread as resolved. No reply in 2 months.

    Kind regards

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