• While the underlying rationale may be applauded for including your particular responsive images solution default into the core, I am left with this question: is everyone infected with the M$oft Full Retard Virus?

    When you add stuff into the core (however laudable in itself) that potentially breaks cache plugins and themes that have their own solutions for images handling, think before you do please…

    Setting this to ON and _also_ deciding to not provide an option to switch it off in case of incompatibility issues is like forcing food down someone’s throat without consent.

    When I read things like “decisions, not options” my skin start to crawl. Just because Microsoft thinks it can decide what’s best for everyone without providing choices doesn’t mean you have to follow suit… ??

    While this may work out of the box for many people and themes, imho you would do very well to provide an OFF switch for people who may have different ideas and needs and setups.
    No need to alienate the average Joe or not so average Simon who does not use the 2016 theme or has problems because of this solution.

    So please, can we have an easy ON/OFF switch for the responsive images solution in 4.4? Thanks.

    Other than that, great work!

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  • Moderator Marius L. J.


    Hi there @rdc2701,

    I’m sorry to hear that you’re not happy with the responsive image solution put into core with 4.4.

    As you mentioned, many plugins, and in some cases even themes, implement various media enhancements them selves which may not play well with the new feature. We’ve had multiple betas and a RC period running, and the responsive images have been a known headlining feature for 4.4 for quite some time to allow developers just the time they need to resolve any conflicts which may occur.

    The good news is, we implemented the new feature using a filter, you can easily disable this feature using either that, or you could even make a plugin!

    So, to easily remove it, you could add the following to a Must Use Plugin, a themes functions.php or any plugin you’d like to:

    remove_filter( 'the_content', 'wp_make_content_images_responsive' );

    Thread Starter Rob de Cleen


    Hi Marius,

    Thank you for the super quick reply, much appreciated.

    I’m not unhappy with the solution itself (it’s actually a good one), just with the lack of implementing that choice by default without an easy on/off for users who have different ideas/needs/issues.
    E.g. theme logic which uses height/auto-width instead of width/auto-height for grids breaks, etc.

    Thanks for the suggestion, will definitely use it.
    But still feel that the average user would benefit/have benefited with an easier on/off option in case they have troubles with it.
    My point was: fine to make something default, just provide the choice. That’s all.

    Thanks again!

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