unable to display facebook posts – OAuthException – Code:1
Unable to display Facebook posts.
Error: An unknown error has occurred.
Type: OAuthException
Code: 1Hi, i use this plugin with no problems on my site. Suddenly, I get the above error message. I am not using my own token, have always used the default.
I am using the latest version of the plugin 2.3.10
Any advice? Do I need to create my own access token now?
https://www.maltthebrewery.co.uk is the website, the facebook feed is on the home page footer
Hi, I have actually and exactly the same problem. I have tested with other pages and I see only 2 or 3 pages work between a total of 6 pages.
Like @sunpar, all was ok but suddenly, only this error :
Unable to display Facebook posts.
Error: An unknown error has occurred.
Type: OAuthException
Code: 1Please, help us.
Thanks & regards.Hey guys,
Seems like it’s most likely a temporary issue with part of Facebook’s API. I’ll take a closer look into it, but when I’ve seen this issue before it usually resolves itself in a few hours once they fix the API issue. Try clicking ‘Save Changes’ on the plugin’s Settings page to clear the plugin cache and check Facebook again for data, and I’ll do some digging to see if I can find out if it’s just a temporary Facebook API issue.
It looks like it was a temporary Facebook API issue which should be fixed now. @sunpar – it looks like the feed is displaying successfully on your site again now (screenshot). @riyadho – Could you click ‘Save Changes’ on the plugin’s Settings page and let me know whether it’s working again successfully for you too?
Hi John, thanks I did the ‘save changes’ action too as you suggested.
Yes just checked and all working, it’s a great plugin and thanks for the quick response too.
Thanks again!
Thanks for the answer. I had tested different solutions : Test differents pages, test with a token, but nothing.
Now, I have tested without any modification and it’s works. It’s probably like you say, a temporary issue with the Facebook API.
Thanks a lot.Glad to hear everything is good again ??
Hope you both enjoy the rest of your week!
Unable to display Facebook posts.
Error: An unknown error has occurred.
Type: OAuthException
Code: 1Hi, i use this plugin with no problems on my site. Suddenly, I get the above error message. I am not using my own token, have always used the default.
I am using the latest version of the plugin 2.3.10
The error is an undefined error from Facebook which will sometimes reflect a source within the actual Facebook account itself and then disappear a short time later. However, I would be happy to inspect your plugin settings to see if there are any issues within the settings.
Could I have you submit a support request here and then include your plugin’s System Info which can be located by going to: WordPress DashBoard – Facebook Feed – Settings – Support (tabbed page) – select all text in the info box, copy and paste your ‘System Info’ into your reply.
This will provide us with better information to diagnose a potential problem with the site or plugin rather than guessing at the undefined error being sent by Facebook. Also, have you tested the Facebook Page account ID here in our interactive demo to see what the feed results are and if the same message appears?
Thank you.
If a try a different ID it works ?? fine..
If a different ID is working then the issue won’t be found in the plugin itself but rather either the settings being used or the Facebook account settings. If you could send me the requested system info requested previously or at least the shortcode you are using on the page and the Facebook Page/Group account link I can set up a test site to check this for you.
I will await your response.
Facebook id: 607245462646849
Site URL: https://www.cockersydvast.com
Home URL: https://www.cockersydvast.com
WordPress Version: 4.4.2
PHP Version: 5.6.16
Web Server Info: Apache
PHP allow_url_fopen: Yes
SSL Stream: Yes## ACTIVE PLUGINS: ##
All In One SEO Pack:
Contact Form 7: 4.4
Custom Facebook Feed: 2.3.10
Easy Table: 1.6
Favicon by RealFaviconGenerator: 1.3.2
Full Registration Form: 1.0
List Yo’ Files: 1.12
Media File Manager Advanced: 1.1.5
Newsletter: 4.0.9
NextGEN Gallery by Photocrati: 2.1.23
Page View: 1.6
Personal Contact Info Widget: 1.2
POWr Countdown Timer: 1.4
Really Simple CAPTCHA:
Recent Facebook Posts: 2.0.8
Simple Image Widget: 4.3.0
TinyMCE Advanced: 4.2.8
Ultimate Tables: 1.6.3
Under Construction: 1.16
UpdraftPlus – Backup/Restore: 1.11.27
Very Simple Favicon Manager: 2.5
Visual Form Builder: 2.8.6
WordPress PopUp:
WP Google Maps: 6.3.05
WP Statistics: 10.0.5## PLUGIN SETTINGS: ##
Use own Access Token:
Access Token:
Page ID: 607245462646849
Page Type: group
Number of Posts: 5
Post Limit:
Show Posts by: me
Cache Time: 1
Cache Unit: minutes
Locale: sv_SE
Timezone: Europe/Amsterdam## CUSTOMIZE: ##
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It appears the issue is stemming from a setting within the actual Facebook Group account which has some type of restriction that is on the account. This is determined by the fact that the Group ID 607245462646849 does not display within the interactive demo here.
Also you can test this by logging out of the Facebook program and then entering the URL https://www.facebook.com/groups/cockersydvast/ in your browsers address bar and hitting “enter” You should get an error message stating you have to log into Facebook to see the Group/Page account. This is clear indication that a restriction is in place. For Page account the most common restrictions that present the same problem are when either “age” or “country” restrictions have been placed on the account.
Since Facebook does not know a person’s age or country prior to logging into the Facebook program then the data that is restricted by such settings becomes unavailable from outside the Facebook program. This follows through with a plugin attempting to extract information on the account as well. Let me know what you have discovered on this particular account.
Hey Robert,
This issue is actually being caused by a bug in the Facebook API which returns an error for your Facebook Group (see here). I’m going to submit a bug report to Facebook for this issue, but in the meantime you should be able to get around the issue by obtaining a “User” Access Token from your Facebook account by following these directions. Follow the directions down to step 9, click the ‘Get my User Access Token’ button, and then copy and paste it into the plugin’s Settings page.
That should resolve the issue for you for now.
Works ??
Glad to hear that Robert. We submitted a bug report and Facebook confirmed that it is a bug. Hopefully it will get resolved soon.
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