Also note these observations. first is an end user <Gmorello> second comment is by the developer who thinks its a Proton problem.
over 2 years ago Flag
As an example, here is the first image in my home slideshow, served by Jetpack Photon: But, this is the original image which was the one being used before I installed Photon:
kreatura AUTHOR
over 2 years ago Flag
Okay, I understand now. LayerSlider uses your WordPress Media Library to upload and insert images, but it doesn’t have any control over it. By default, WP uses the full/default size of your uploaded images, but we can’t do anything about it if some other plugin actually override this behaviour. It isn’t related with LayerSlider and this problem will cause issues to other plugins as well. I would like to recommend you to check the settings of this JetPack Photon plugin, maybe there are some options to change this.