• Hi,

    I am wondering why this appears in the end of the URL when I visit my site


    It seems to only appear the first time I visit the site.

    Any suggestions how to stop it or what it is?

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  • What host do you use? Are you using a free host?

    I know that some use this as a bot detection service to prevent unwanted bots.

    Thread Starter EMar


    Actually when I did a google, something came up about free bytehost,
    They are using it to prevent bots,
    I had a domain hosted there but got another domain and hosted that else where.
    Left the other domain at bytehost and just did a 301 redirect with htaccess file.

    So I guess it is coming from them.

    I’ll have to figure out another way, park the old domain at godaddy maybe and point it to my new domain.

    Are you hosted by bytehost or is it just the domain? Why is the DNS pointed to them?
    I only ask because hosts and domain registars can be different. For example a site could be hosted by bluehost but the domain might be registered with GoDaddy.

    So if your site is hosted on bytehost, then you are going to have to fork over the money to pay for their hosting if you want to prevent this from happening, as far as I know.

    Thread Starter EMar


    The domain was registered at godaddy,
    Then I changed to the custom dns and pointed it to bytehost.
    I think I’ll just set it back to use godaddy’s dns then point it to my new domain.

    Cool.. I moved it back to godaddy name servers,
    Then set up forwarding and selected 301 permanent, Forward with Masking.
    Same difference, less crap to deal with.

    here’s how to remove ?ckattempt from your url!

    would like to post this for anyone in the future that may run into this ckattempt issue.

    if what you’re looking to do is simply remove the query from the url, i’ve written a small vanilla javascript that will search the url for the string ‘?ckattempt’, split the url upon finding it, and redirect you back to the same page without the query in the url.

    var searchWinHref = window.location.href;
    if(searchWinHref.indexOf("?ckattempt") > -1) {
    	window.location.href = window.location.href.split('?')[0];

    Hey @davoooooo – where do I add this code?
    Having the same issue.


    if you have access to the theme, add it to the bottom of your ‘footer.php’ file.

    <script type="text/javascript">
    var searchWinHref = window.location.href;
    if(searchWinHref.indexOf("?ckattempt") > -1) {
    	window.location.href = window.location.href.split('?')[0];

    let me know if that works for you! ??

    Works great!! Thanks ??

    awesome and no problem! ??

    bottom of your ‘footer.php’ file, is that mean before </body>? before </html>? or before <?php wp_footer(); ?>?

    sorry i’m blank with coding

    after </body> and before </html>. ??

    I added this code, but not true

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