• Hello:

    I know this same question has been asked many times, but it seams like none of the answers work for my site.


    My home page looks great in Firefox but in Internet Explorer (v.7) the relationship between the sidebar and the content panel is all skewed up.

    I’ve started the validation process, but so far, I’m getting nowhere.

    …and maybe its a CSS thing, but my Style sheet seems fine to me…

    Any help would be MUCH obliged.

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  • Not really an IE issue. Your html is full of errors which will cause problems. The table (wrapper 1)with the cartoon in it is set for 750px width when the true width is 779px. That can cause it to “drop” in the browser. The cartoon is aligned left – should be center I think. Also some places you have width as nnn and it has to be nnnpx

    Correct the nesting errors and adjust sizes for a start.

    in IE6, your page took forever for it to load, and it came out real retarded. After a couple of mins, only half of it loaded up, and it was all over the place. in FF, loaded up within seconds.


    the web developer toolbar advises the following:
    line 73 in style.css : error in parsing value for property ‘width’. declaration dropped

    line 79 is the same
    then just for the root, i assume your using a method to mask the file name… whether its index.php or something… that you should know…
    anyway i get two of the width errors, one height, and one margin-bottom error

    i hope this heps as that could be attributing to it, in my ie7 i pulled it up and the main content column is appearing where it should be horizontally, but it’s appesring off vertically.

    Thread Starter nosab3


    Thanks everyone.

    I adjusted the width of the wrapper, but still no good.

    I’ll chug through the validator — but I’m stuck at this “height” and “width” thing?

    My HTML seems right (width=”XX”) so why is it an error?

    PER VALDaTOR: there is no attribute “height”.

    any help?

    The html I looked at said width=XX. It must say XXwhat. Like 50px

    Thread Starter nosab3


    Thanks a bunch Kmessinger.

    I knocked out all the other errors in the validator EXCEPT for these doggone width and height properties. I’ve tried


    And always the same error: there is no attribute “height”.

    …and IE7 still shows the homepage incorrectly.

    Any additional thoughts?

    You can delete any height attribute. That should not cause you a problem.

    Something in your sidebar or main content or the margins are too wide for the widths called for in your style sheet.

    The error console in Firefox picks is unable understand the bold

      margin: 0 auto;
      width: 700px;

    width: expression(document.body.clientWidth < 605 ? “600px” : “85%” );

      margin: 0 auto;
      width: 779px;

    width: expression(document.body.clientWidth < 605 ? &quot;600px&quot; : &quot;85%&quot; );


    Check all the values and see if they add up to the page width you want.

    Thread Starter nosab3


    Sorry, Its taken me a while to work this out, but still nothing going.

    I deleted the faulty expression as noted above, and I’m still getting a horrible looking site in IE. I also recently checked earlier versions of IE, and am getting the same poor looking site.

    Any other suggestions would be much appreciated!

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