Blog deleted….im pretty gutted
Hello there,
I noticed there was a way that I could upgrade my wordpress installation within fantastico which is a service provided by my web host to easilly create databases (it does it all for you) so i clicked upgrade and thought everything would be fine…..its not…it did not work at all… the process everything seems to be gone, I even tried deleting my blog starting again and trying to put in my back ups…that does not work iether.
Anyway….there is another back up …I had instructions when i did the upgrade they are
if you don’t have SSH access, ask support to help you:
– Remove the directory /home/therive/public_html/blog
– Untar/home/therive/fantastico_backups/blog.backup.1088446041.tgz
– Empty the database therive_wrdp1
– Import the file /home/therive/public_html/blog/backup.sql into the database therive_wrdp1
So at least I know at some point I may get al my posts back but I have no idea at all where i am supposed to start….I know there is a tar file sitting on my webspace but I dont actually know what a tar file is never mind how to untar it……can you give me a few pointers… at my wits end ??
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