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  • Plugin Author Eliot Akira


    There is an undocumented shortcode called [get-blog] for switching blogs on multisite:

    [get-blog id=3]
    [loop type=post count=3]
      [field title-link]

    At the moment, I don’t have a multisite install to test it on, but you can see if it actually works..!

    I’ve just tested this on my multisite installation and it works.
    [get-blog id=4]
    [loop type=post]
    [field title-link]

    But when I try this more complex code, I get blank result:

    [get-blog id=4]
    [for each=”tipi” link]
    [each link]
    [loop type=”post” count=”-1″]
    [field title-link]

    In blog 4 I tested the single code:

    [for each="tipi" link]
      		[each link]
      		[loop type="post" count="-1"]
        		[field title-link]

    and it works perfectly.

    In main main blog (id=1) I tested:

    [get-blog id=4]
    	[for each="tipi" link]
      		[each link]
      		[loop type="post" count="-1"]
        		[field title-link]

    and it doesn’t work.

    Maybe I make a mistake in using get-blog shortcode in the right way. Can you help? Thanks

    Plugin Author Eliot Akira


    The get-blog shortcode is super simple, it switches to the blog by ID; runs the shortcode inside; then restores the original blog. So I’m not sure why it’s not working for you. Maybe you can test which shortcode is having the issue: is normal post loop working without for/each?

    Thread Starter Jakub


    [get-blog id=5]
    [content id=191 import=true]

    is working.

    Plugin Author Eliot Akira


    OK, thanks for confirming that it works.

    Yes, it works with [content…] and [loop..] shortcodes, but not with [for each…].
    Maybe there is another way to obtain what I need?

    In a multisite environment, I need a list of all custom term of a custom taxonomy defined in another blog.


    is the custom taxonomy

    So I tryed this code:

    [get-blog id=4]
      	[for each=tipi empty=true]
      		Custom Term: [each name]

    But it doesn’t work, displays nothing

    Plugin Author Eliot Akira


    Interesting that it’s only the taxonomy loop that doesn’t work. Not sure how I can help, the shortcode as I described just calls switch_to_blog and restore_current_blog. According to the Codex here, some things are not switched: “autoloaded options, plugins, the object cache”. Do you have a cache plugin running?

    Another thing you could check: does the [for each] loop work as expected on the specified blog #4?

    Thread Starter Jakub


    franzitta maybe you can generate it on new blank page on blog 4 and after that import this whole efect using [content ?

    Thanks Jakub for your solution.

    In blog #4 [for each] shortcode works perfectly.
    I’ve no caching plugin installed in my multisite wp.

    Anyway, I agree with you Eliot, it’s really strange.

    The strange thing is that if I put this code:

    [get-blog id=4]
      	[for each=tipi empty=true]
      		Custom Term: [each name]

    in the content of a page (with id=58) in blog #1, it doesn’t work, but if then I run this code in blog #4:

    [get-blog id=1]
      	[content id=58]

    I can see all the terms of ‘tipi’ taxonomy.

    I want to investigate better on the reasons why it doesn’t work.
    I think that Custom Content Shortcode is one of the best plugin I’ve ever used, so I want to give you any kind of support that would improve its funcionality.

    Thanks for your support!

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