…or you may change in file wp-shoutbox-live-chat/js/shoutbox-core.js line: var replace = '<img src="/wp-content/plugins/shoutbox/img/'+Shoutbox['smilies'][smile]+'" alt="'+Shoutbox['smilies'][smile]+'"/>'
with: var replace = '<img src="/wp-content/plugins/wp-shoutbox-live-chat/img/'+Shoutbox['smilies'][smile]+'" alt="'+Shoutbox['smilies'][smile]+'"/>'
To change the default text box content,
go to plugins/wp-shoutbox-live-chat/js/shoutbox-init.js
replace the text in the placeholder on 77th line with your desired sentence string += '<textarea class="shoutbox-message" placeholder="Ваше сообщение"></textarea>';
And to change the default time from Russian to English
Open shoutbox.php
on line 514, replace date_i18n('d-m-Y_H-i-s', time()+$this->gmt_offset);
with date_i18n('d-m-Y', time()+$this->gmt_offset);
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