• When I go to upload a plugin with my File manager – it gives me the option to browse…I browse to the decompressed folder. When I click on it and click open it actually opens the folder…then there are subfolders & files within that folder…and I can select the files but not the folders. I must individually add all the files. I am not having any success when I upload & activate the plugin within WordPress. Do I need to upload each individual file? Let me know if any of this makes since. Thanks in advance. They (the several I have tried) are WordPress plugins…

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  • Thread Starter Legacy


    These are the kinds of results I recieve: “Warning: main(/mnt/w0805/d30/s12/b02ca535/www/southsidewesleyanchurch.com/home/wp-content/plugins/events-calendar/classes/management.class.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /mnt/w0805/d30/s12/b02ca535/www/southsidewesleyanchurch.com/home/wp-content/plugins/events-calendar.php on line 29

    Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘/mnt/w0805/d30/s12/b02ca535/www/southsidewesleyanchurch.com/home/wp-content/plugins/events-calendar/classes/management.class.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/local/nf/lib/php’) in /mnt/w0805/d30/s12/b02ca535/www/southsidewesleyanchurch.com/home/wp-content/plugins/events-calendar.php on line 29″

    use ftp client and upload to content/plugins.

    Thread Starter Legacy


    I am using File Manager with WordPress…this is where I am uploading the files: Directory: /…hsidewesleyanchurch.com/home/wp-content/plugins

    Thread Starter Legacy


    What & where is FTP client?

    Thread Starter Legacy


    I don’t want to sound desperate…but I am. Can someone please take the time to help me?

    Thread Starter Legacy


    1. Upload to your plugins folder, usually wp-content/plugins/
    The plugin is in the form of a directory called eventcalendar3.

    These are the instructions listed in one of the many plugins I am wanting to use on my site. When I am in File Manager through NetFirms Control Panel…I click on the “www” folder, then “southsidewesleyanchurch.com” then “home”, then I click on the “wp-content” folder, then I click on “plugins”. Then I click upload. I have the compressed (zipped) and decompressed (unzipped) folders available. Which ones should I use? Nothing shows in the Plugins menu on WordPress if I use the sompressed ones…however when I go to select the decompressed folder it keeps opening the subfolders & won’t let me select folders…only individual files withing the folders. Do I need to go through & select each one? Sorry I am so confused.

    Thread Starter Legacy


    Forget it. I answered my own questions. If you are going to start to help someone you need to follow though…I am not only speaking to lawexpert. I know we (those seeking help) are needy or we wouldn’t be asking questions. If you want to take the time to share your knowledge then do so in a professional way. Don’t assume everyone knows what you do. They wouldn’t be asking you questions if they already knew the answers. For those who might have the same questions I did and couldn’t get help from the experts or find a answer through here. If you have Netfirms like I do – you either need the Advantage or Business hosting plan…here.are the directions on how to make it work. I am not trying to be rude at all to those who take the time to help those out that are in need. Only saying that it is super frustrating. If you are upset by this post, I believe that if you were in my shoes or looking at it from my vantage point you may understand my feelings.

    You answered your own questions .. good. Truthfully, this is one:

    “What & where is FTP client?”

    that needed to be answered by you. ??

    It goes both way — this is the WordPress support forum after all, not the “teach me how to use an FTP client” forum.

    I mean that in a NICE way, NOT a smug way — but I am trying to make a point. If someone uses a term you dont understand it — google it.

    There is an implied level of knowledge, and an implied ability to read the docs, (which btw, in this case, cover and even recommend ftp clients) that comes with using, installing and administering a web site — be it populated by WordPress or anything else.

    If you need to start with the basics of Internet technology , then do so. There is plenty of excellent reading available.

    and for what its worth, you do not want to use ssh to upload your plugins (thats what your link above goes to). You want to use ftp, just like was instructed previously.


    look some plugins need to be out only the php but anothers all the file in the help of the plugins page wiil help you

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