• Resolved ezkay


    Hey Mark,

    I found a new inconsistency.

    I can add as many tags to the list as I want by using the “tag cloud” (class="tagcloud-link").
    Could you provide a fix for that too? Would be so gerat! Also if you could add a text to the field that says something like: “Only X tags allowed to use!”. And than hook the X-number from “Max Allowed Tags per Post” (wplt_max_tags) to that text?

    If so, this plugin deserves some stars ??

    Best regards


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  • Plugin Author Mark Wilkinson


    Thanks for pointing that out. Missed that on my testing as I didn’t have enough tags! I have pushed a change to github to fix this. If you could try that before I commit to the repo that would be great:


    Please let me know if this fixes the issue.

    Thread Starter ezkay


    Sorry for the delay – MBP videocard just crashed -.-
    Thanks, this is working now!

    Plugin Author Mark Wilkinson


    Great – will commit that to the .org repo asap then.

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