• Hi Tech Guys,

    Im using adelle free blog theme. The site link is nainatalks.com . Under the contact page u cannot see a submit button, and under any post u cannot see a comment button . So if anybody can help me out with it will be great ??

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  • Thread Starter akramkhan179


    Also tried different plugins. Same issue, i cannot see the buttons.

    Hi akramkhan179

    It was little bit tricky, but I found it and it is working here, I see the Submit Button

    For some reason Submit Button is hidden on your form

    Put this code to your child style.css file
    or istall plugin Simple Custom CSS and put the code there

    Simple Custom CSS on Youtube

    input#fscf_submit1 {
        display: block;
    input#fscf_submit1 {
        display: block!important;
    if it is not working then try this:
    #fscf_submit1 {
        display: block;
    #fscf_submit1 {
        display: block!important;

    For post comment you have to tweak the visual setup (customizer) of your theme. Do not know your theme. Maybe contact the author.

    Hope this will help
    Feel free to ask again
    Let me know

    Thread Starter akramkhan179


    @tahoe Rock: Thanks for your effort but i put all of your code snippets in the stypesheet.css but the submit button does not show up yet.

    It looks like in the style.css file at the bottom, you have the rule:

    input[type=”submit”] {
    display: none;

    This is hiding your submit buttons. I checked the Adele theme and it doesn’t look like that was in the base install. Did you add that after? Anyway, remove that code from style.css and it works.

    I’m fairly new to WordPress theming (and the support forum) so Tahoerock’s suggestion might be better.

    Thread Starter akramkhan179


    @raza260 : Your solution works. I never play/mess up with the style.css due to obvious reasons. I don’t know how the code snippet got added there. Now it solves both my problems. Both the comment box as well as submit button appears. Thanks. Do you mind telling how you could see the style.css ?

    Looks like you got the solution

    Did you deleted this code?
    You suppose to.

    input[type="submit"] {
    display: none;

    Change from none to block

    Huh, I wonder how it got added. It may be worth looking at the original style.css for the theme to see if anything else was changed. Looks like you have other custom rules at the bottom.

    I was able to see your style.css file because it is sent when the browser requests your page. Without that file, my browser would have no idea how to display the HTML content that was returned. Specifically, I looked at the contact form in Google Chrome using the Developer Tools. Where your Submit button was, Chrome showed me that the input had rule “display: hidden”. I asked Chrome where this was set and it showed me the line of code in your style.css file. I deleted that line in Chrome and the button showed up. Then I sent you a contact request and added a test comment to check that it worked.

    Makes sense? Let me know if you have questions. Glad you got it working.


    just put this code to your child theme style.css or to the suggested plugin above Simple Custom css

    input[type="submit"] {
        display: block

    or change original style.css file

    Do not understand why you have it hidden. ??

    What raza described above is common way to explore the css for the site, development tools is basic tool for tweaking the css and html,

    Thread Starter akramkhan179


    Thanks Guys… Both of you rock. I think its better that i go through the style.css to check if more of code is being added. Thanks for your help. @tahoe rock & @raza260

    feel free to ask.

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