2013 Theme looking wonky on IPhone
Good afternoon everyone! I post this question several days ago under themes and have not gotten an answer. I really need some guidance with my issue. I have recently switched my site over from Website Builder to hosted wordpress (Go Daddy). I was testing and learning my skills before i switched. Now that i am completely over on hosted wordpress, i am having problems with my site displaying correctly on my IPhone. Everything is over on the left of the screen except the google ad near the top which seems to display correctly. I had widgets on the right. Thinking that might be it, I just deleted them. Same issue. I have turned on and off Mobile Theme in Jetpack. Did not make a difference except that my header did display correctly (fully) with it turned on. If i flip the IPhone on it’s side, everything displays correctly. UUUUGGGGGGGG ! I sure had rather run news feeds, FaceBook feeds and such in the main body of the page and not use widgets on the right side, but i don’t know how to do that and anyway, the widgets are now deleted and i still have the issue. Any help ??? Thanks!
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