• Bonjour,
    J”ai installé wordpress en local sur mon ordinateur sous Linux (Unbuntu 14.04)
    j’ai un site sur wordpress.com (bernardsublet.com)
    En voulant changer le thème de mon site sur mon localhost, je vois que je dois charger un importateur.
    De même pour importer mon site en ligne sur mon ordinateur pour travailler dessus en localhost
    Je ne sais pas quel nom d’h?te je dois inscrire, les autres cases étant remplies automatiquement
    De plus il y a cette note :
    “Si vous ne vous rappelez pas vos informations d’identification, vous devez contacter votre hébergeur’
    Voilà donc ma question.
    Merci pour votre aide

    PS: je me suis adressé à www.remarpro.com (fournisseur du logiciel locaohost) mais ils m’ont demendé de voir wordpress.com pour les connexions.

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  • From google translate:
    I “ve wordpress installed locally on my Linux box (Unbuntu 14.04)
    I have a website on wordpress.com (bernardsublet.com)
    In wanting to change the theme of my site on my localhost, I see that I need to load an importer.
    Similarly to import your content online on my computer to work on it in localhost
    I do not know what hostname I need to register, the other boxes are filled automatically
    In addition there is this note:
    “If you do not remember your credentials, you should contact your hosting provider ‘
    So that’s my question.
    Thanks for your help

    PS: I spoke to www.remarpro.com (locaohost software vendor) but Demende me to see wordpress.com for connections.
    Your website at “wordpress.com” has nothing to do with your localhost, there is no connection between the two websites.

    What is the name of the theme you want to use on your localhost ?
    It may be that the theme author requires you to use an importer. This is not usual.
    Mostly you can download the theme files and install them in “wp-content/themes/”

    I don’t speak French but I think you’re facing a permissions issue.

    Open terminal in Ubuntu (ctrl alt+t) and enter:
    sudo chown -R www-data /var/www/html/yoursite

    This recursively gives ownership to your site files to www-data (the apache group). You should then be able to import themes/plugins etc through the WordPress dashboard.

    Once you have done this, if you need to change ownership back to your user (maybe you are editing theme files) enter:
    sudo chown -R $USER /var/www/html/yoursite

    Good luck

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