• Hi All,

    I have two little issues that hopefully I can iron out very very fast.

    The first…
    Since installing iThemes Security and go to my custom login URL, and try to login, every single time I get an error (even though the error message doesn’t display, see my other question below) to then login. I then put in the exact same details and I can then login. Why is it doing this? Every time I have to login twice, the first being an error, the second being successful with the exact same login details…

    The second problem…
    On the login page, where I access the user admin using my custom admin URL, I do not see any messages on output. If I login wrong I see the red bar but its empty. Upon inspecting the element using firebug I can see the error text is not even output in HTML. iTheme Security is causing this problem as when I disable the plugin, it all seems to work fine. Is there a fix for this one also?

    These are very basic issues that I hope we can find a fix to pretty quickly.

    Thank you very much,


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  • First problem already has it’s own topic …

    Second problem is caused by the WordPress Tweaks Login Error Messages setting … disable it.


    Thread Starter glenwheelerltd


    No help what so ever…Would be good to answer properly rather than boosting your post numbers

    Link to current topic? Theres 139 pages of issues…

    And second is caused by the wordpress tweaks? Little bit more direction would be great

    Really ? Are you sure Mr Glen Wheeler from Newcastle upon Tyne …
    Or is there a chance in your universe that you are making a fool of yourself considering the content of your last post …
    There better be a humble apology in your next post … or you mind end up ironing out your issues all by yourself ??


    Thread Starter glenwheelerltd


    Yeah, Mr Glen Wheeler from Newcastle upon Tyne – Fantastic you found my website. Or maybe you found me On Google, its not such a hard task.

    Your reply has zero value to a user, absolutely none.

    First problem already has it’s own topic …
    Absolutely useless to anyone reading this post. It like finding a problem with your car engine and saying “someone wrote about this already on the internet” It would be handy giving a link don’t you think?


    Second problem is caused by the WordPress Tweaks Login Error Messages setting … disable it.
    Thanks for telling me about this. But where do I find it? Is it in wordpress someone? Is it in a Config File? Some more information would be good…

    I won’t apologise for what I said, but I will apologise for being frustrated at you. There are so many people on here who answer peoples issues way to briefly that just causes lengthy conversations when it’s not required…

    Your reply was no help, it was merely a comment on a post…

    Come on Wheelie, you are not a user … you are a designer, amongst a lot of other things, according to your own website …
    The info I provided should do for a designer … come on dude … use those designer brains …


    First problem already has it’s own topic …

    I was referring to this topic YOU already updated…

    I guess your short term memory wasn’t serving you well … no worries, happens to all of us. Nothing a good night sleep won’t fix …;-)

    According to www.remarpro.com forums housekeeping rules you should open a seperate topic for every issue. Only if you are sure you are hitting exactly the same issue for which a topic already exists you can post in that existing topic … which you did, remember ?

    So let’s stick with that topic for the 2x login issue and deal with your second issue in this topic.

    I’m going to give you a second chance.

    The second problem is caused by the Login Error Messages setting in the WordPress Tweaks section of the iTSec plugin Settings page … disable it.

    Now go and be a true designer and sort this out.


    Thread Starter glenwheelerltd


    Not a user? What does that even mean? For someone who roams www.remarpro.com support you really should consider not being so rude. Keyboard Warrior comes into mind.

    You know absolutely nothing about me. Designer, developer whatever I am, I am allowed to ask questions and get answers from the good people on the internet who actually help.

    Yep, I commented on that post, which has no real answers so I posted a new one to bunch my issues together.

    “You should open a seperate topic for every issue”
    I was sure

    Are you trying to say something about designers? I think you have a problem and are being really rude personally.

    You have your own website, you are on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Google Plus. And you are saying I know nothing about you ?

    I entered in Google:

    glenn wheeler designer

    And your website comes up first in the search results …
    So am I now rude in thinking you are a designer ?

    Come on Wheelie ? Get real.

    Starting to get regrets giving you a second chance …
    Have you ever considered the possibility that I’m only mirroring …
    Don’t mean to upset you. But it looks like I did … hmmm maybe I’m trying to get you thinking …

    Not sure what you are trying to say with this …

    “You should open a seperate topic for every issue”
    I was sure

    I’m only registered with www.remarpro.com for 11.5 months and I’ve more than 500 posts on my name in this forum …
    I’m investing my free time in helping people like you ?
    Yes, sure I must be having a problem …

    You are registered for 34 months on www.remarpro.com with a whopping ten posts on your name ? 4 of those posted in this topic …

    Before you start judging people who are willing to help you please take a look in the mirror…


    Thread Starter glenwheelerltd


    Yep, I am on everything ?? I like the web community, they are all pretty pleasant people. But yes, you know absolutely nothing about me…What’s my favourite colour? What dog do I have? Please provide answers…Am I being trolled?

    Yep, my google presence is pretty rad. I’m found pretty easy which is good for business usually.

    No, you’re not rude thinking I’m a designer…you’re rude because it comes across as if you think designers are not very smart.

    I’m here, I’m real.

    500 posts! in 11.5 months go you, you have a lot of free time on your hands. I’ve been on Twitter for quite some time and have 20,000 tweets, how good is that? I don’t post that often on www.remarpro.com…starting to regret my 6th post though…it’s turning into a proper headache.

    I’ve not judged you once…you’ve just judged hundreds of thousands of designers.

    — End —

    If anyone see’s this post, i’d love some good support an ideas on my issue, much appreciated guys. Thanks


    How many of those 20,000 tweets actually helped people who asked for help?

    — End —

    If anyone sees this post, the solution for the second issue is already provided in my third post which means the topic should be marked as ‘resolved’ … a smart designer would have noticed that.

    Just to make sure there is no misunderstanding. I like designers because they are very creative and (most of the times) very intelligent people…

    I wish Wheelie all the luck with ironing out the other issue.
    Oh did I mention I have it already ironed out … haha


    Thread Starter glenwheelerltd


    No idea, probably quite a few. I enjoy helping people where I can, designers or developers.

    Not sure where “Wheelie” came from? Quite childish, and a bit odd to give me that name when you have no idea who I am. My name is Glen Wheeler as you can see.

    Anyway, this is ridiculous. Your responses are no longer helpful so please don’t reply.

    Thanks for any support given so far.

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