• I just installed AddThis Share and I have added the AddThis widget to a widget area that enables me to put a shortcode anywhere on my site to add a particular widget wherever I want on that page/post. I have added this shortcode to the page linked below but it only shows the title “Share Us!”, not the buttons. If i change the share style to the last one that simply says “share … ” it works, but any other style where it shows the individual share buttons (Facebook, twitter, google+, etc) it disappears. What’s wrong?



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  • Thread Starter morgens


    I haven’t gotten any response on this, I would appreciate any help getting this fixed.

    Plugin Contributor Ribin_AddThis


    Hi there,

    Our plugin is conflicting with Yoast Seo. Our developers investigated the issue with Yoast, but they haven’t been able to determine what the conflict is thus far. Most of the time, our plugin works just fine with Yoast, so there must be a particular setting in Yoast that’s causing the issue.

    In the meantime, I’d suggest adding the following AddThis code to your Footer (footer.php) template. You can access this template by going into Appearance > Editor within WordPress, then insert the code just before the </body> tag.

    <script data-cfasync=”false” type=”text/javascript” src=”//s7.addthis.com/js/300/addthis_widget.js#pubid=YOUR_PUB_ID” async=”async”></script>

    Let us know if you’ve more questions.


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