• Resolved salsatrips


    I am trying to: order Composite Products

    URL of (my) website where problem appears: https://salsa-trips.com/shop/fsf-special

    I expected to see: selectors and prices

    Instead, I got: page load breaks with Fatal error. Source code stops with:

    </div><div class=”component_content” data-product_id=”1377539543″>
    <div class=”component_summary cp_clearfix”>
    <div class=”product content”>
    <b>Fatal error</b>: Call to a member function get_product() on boolean in <b>/kunden/355855_76337/wp/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-composite-products/includes/class-wc-cp-display.php</b> on line <b>163</b>


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  • Thread Starter salsatrips


    It seems that there is some kind of mis-interpretation of “0” and “NULL” between WC Multilingual and Composite Products. In case a German developer of WPML can take care, we would provide an analysis from a freelancer (in German) as well as a patch, which fixed it as of now.

    However, we would like to get the fix in the regular version plus there are other bugs in WC Multilingual for Composite Products, which work in the native language properly, but not on translated versions (e. g. dropdowns can’t be opened etc.)

    First let me ask – do you mean that there is a compatibility issue with the plugin Composite products and WooCommerce Multilingual?
    I think that the plugin Composite Products has not yet being tested if it is compatible with WPML and WooCommerce Multilingual. You can see compatible plugins here: https://wpml.org/documentation/plugins-compatibility/

    Could you provide the information that you have, or if you want you can always open a new ticket in wpml.org and provide the information there privately (after private reply being enabled by a supporter).

    Thread Starter salsatrips


    Hello, so what do you suggest?
    Not to report bugs, while WPML is not compatible with Composite Products and so I can’t use it with WooCommerce, too? Both are paid products, but not working properly, because of some smaller but essential bugs and nobody takes care for months or even years. Very poor situation that I’m starting to report now, hoping that the publicity drives WPML to look into it finally.

    I think that you misunderstood me. I did not suggest to not report bugs. I am just letting you know that we did not investigated this plugin and any details are welcome.
    We are always willing to help with the compatibility with other plugins and to make some improvements. Any information that you can submit is welcome.

    We’re experiencing the exact same issue. Can you tell me what that temporary fix was? I really need this to work :/

    @alex_webber the original poster did not provided us any details.
    If you are willing to investigate further this case, perhaps you will?
    Could you please open a new support ticket in wpml.org so that we can investigate this further?

    Thank you. I will get now your ticket and continue to debug there.

    Thread Starter salsatrips


    Whenever I report anything to WPML, I get new tasks for myself from them. I just do not have the time to work that much for paid plugins anytime they request. I would be a happy customer in case they ever start to investigate or debug something, but in the past they never fixed bugs in a reasonable time frame. It took months or years for every reported bug. Long story short: Here is the reply from my paid developer:


    In wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-composite-products/includes/class-wp-cp-display.php
    in der Funktion show_composited_product() wird mit mit dem aktivierten Multilingualplugin im Parameter $product_id NULL übergeben.
    Die anschlie?ende Suche mit $composite->get_composited_product() gibt dann false zurück, woraufhin dann false->get_product() aufgerufen wird, wodurch die Fehlermeldung could not cal function on bool zustande kam.

    Meine Vermutung ist, dass das Multilingualplugin den leeren String oder den String '0', welche die Funktion show_composited_product() behandeln kann, in den Wert NULL “übersetzt” und damit den Fehler ausl?st.
    Also Workaround habe ich die Funktion so modifizert, dass sie auch mit NULL klarkommt. Ein Patch ist im Anhang.

    Der richtige Fix w?re eine Anpassung des Multilingualplugins.


    …/woocommerce-composite-products/includes/class-wc-cp-display.php | 2 +-
    1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

    diff –git a/wp/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-composite-products/includes/class-wc-cp-display.php b/wp/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-composite-products/includes/class-wc-cp-display.php
    index ee86b68..c65d4ff 100755
    — a/wp/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-composite-products/includes/class-wc-cp-display.php
    +++ b/wp/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-composite-products/includes/class-wc-cp-display.php
    @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ class WC_CP_Display {
    public function show_composited_product( $product_id, $component_id, $composite ) {

    – if ( $product_id === ‘0’ || $product_id === ” ) {
    + if ( $product_id === NULL || $product_id === ‘0’ || $product_id === ” ) {

    return ‘<div class=”component_data” data-component_set=”true” data-price=”0″ data-regular_price=”0″ data-product_type=”none” style=”display:none;”></div>’;

    Thank you for reporting this, and providing the fix for that plugin.
    Our compatibility team is on the case.

    Hello, this issue should be fixed in latest WooCommerce Multilingual 3.7.1
    Please let me know if the issue persists.
    For now I am marking this ticket as resolved.

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