• Resolved DevynCJohnson


    I recently noticed that all of my links that reference different parts of my website (in-bound links) have the “nofollow” attribute. That is not supposed to happen. Even if I hard-code a link to a page on my website, the “nofollow” attribute is still being added.

    For instance, on https://dcjtech.info/topic/general-unixoid-topics/ , there is a list of links that all reference pages on the same domain (dcjtech.info). Some of the links were hard-coded using TinyMCE and the others were not hard-coded. However, all of the links in the “forum topic” have the “nofollow” attribute. If I edit the post and use the “text” tab, I can see the “a” tags for my hard-coded links, but none of them have the “nofollow” attribute.

    The “External Links” plugin should ignore hard-coded links (i.e. “a” tags) and links to dcjtech.info on dcjtech.info should not be listed as external links and given the “nofollow” attribute.

    The only thing that changed on my web-server between now and the last bug report I filed was the External Links plugin update.


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  • Thread Starter DevynCJohnson


    This bug is only seen on bbPress forum posts, but not WordPress “pages” such as https://dcjtech.info/guides/

    Plugin Author Mike Koepke


    bbPress automatically adds nofollow to all links in posts


    Thread Starter DevynCJohnson


    That is interesting. I never had that happen before. I have always inspected the HTML code of my pages to ensure that everything is operating as expected. I will figure out what changed to cause that issue. Thanks for the link. I would have never suspected bbPress to be the cause of the problem.

    Thread Starter DevynCJohnson


    I am currently waiting for an answer on the bbPress forums ( https://bbpress.org/forums/topic/nofollow-on-internal-links/ ). However, in the meantime, I disabled bbPress’s ability to add “nofollow” to links by commenting out the below lines in bbPress’s code.

    //add_filter( 'bbp_get_reply_content', 'bbp_rel_nofollow',   50   );
    //add_filter( 'bbp_get_topic_content', 'bbp_rel_nofollow',   50   );

    However, the “nofollow” attribute is still being given to the links (example – https://dcjtech.info/topic/general-unixoid-topics/ ). Are you sure that nothing was accidentally changed in “External Links”? I did not have this issue until after I updated the plugin and nothing else has changed since that time. True, it is logical to suspect bbPress since links on WordPress pages (like https://dcjtech.info/guides/ ) are not effected by this “nofollow” behavior. However, I disabled bbPress’s ability to apply the “nofollow” attribute, so the behavior should have stopped.

    Once I officially find the source of the problem and apply a working solution, I will be sure to let you know.

    Thread Starter DevynCJohnson


    Why is it that “sem-external-links.php” never loads or uses “sem-follow_comment.php”? I noticed that none of the PHP files use “sem-follow_comment.php”.

    Thread Starter DevynCJohnson


    As a temporary (but poor fix) the below code can be added to “functions.php”.

    //Remove nofollow
    function rm_nofollow($txt){
        $txt=str_replace(' rel="nofollow"','',$txt);
        return $txt;
    Plugin Author Mike Koepke


    You can try and put in a Trac enhancement ticket against bbpress to allow configuration of whether content links can be followed or not. As the intention in their implementation is to prevent being a comment/post spammer magnet, I doubt they will add the enhancement.

    The fact that they do provide a filter to alter the contents is precisely why they added the filter. For cases like yours where you really do want all links entered by users to be followed.

    Plugin Author Mike Koepke


    The follow comments functionality is no longer used. I merged in another plugin but it was a poor idea. Once Apply Globally is on, it is extremely difficult to now parse page content and determine it’s meaning. So it is just an unused file left in the plugin.

    Plugin Author Mike Koepke


    and since the intent of the DoFollow was to readd follow/remove no-follow and External Link’s main goal is to make all links NoFollow, they were sort of conflicting with each other’s purpose. If WP makes all comments nofollow, then we are already in the right direction.

    You are seeing this with bbpress making outgoing links nofollow.

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