I never thought I would be sharing WordPress code. I took up Barry’s challenge and learnt a lot (steep learning).
I created a tribe-events folder in my theme folder
created a file rsvp-form.php and copied the original file contents into this
I added the code below which is a copy of the attendees code in the file with calls for non attendees.I did not cater for anonymous attendees in this code
It did the job. I am sure there are better ways
Hope that helps
// Repeat for apologies. My Code
$confirmed = $attendance->count_total_negative_responses();
$count_text = sprintf( _n( ‘(%d apology)’, ‘(%d apology)’, $confirmed, ‘eventrocket’ ), $confirmed );
printf( __( ‘Apology list %1$s %2$s %3$s’, ‘eventrocket’ ), ‘<i>’, $count_text, ‘</i>’ );
?> </h5>
<?php if ( 0 === $confirmed ): ?>
<p> <?php _e( ‘No confirmations so far.’, ‘eventrocket’ ) ?> </p>
<?php else: ?>
$anon_confirmations = $attendance->count_negative_anon_responses();
<?php endif // if we have confirmed attendees ?>
<?php endif // if show_attendees is enabled ?>
<?php endif // if the user is logged in ?>