Hi tazevedo3,
Using this post as reference. https://www.pastortim.purewordchurch.org/2015/09/22/why-we-need-to-shut-our-mouths/
Please try adding the following codes in your Appearance -> Customize -> Advanced Options -> Custom CSS
This code is for changing your h2 (the subtitle you entered “My Interview Question” as seen on your blog post)
.entry-content h2 {
font-size: 35px !important;
You can change the 35px to a larger px or smaller px value.
This is code for changing your p (the content as in paragraph of your blog posts)
.entry-content p {
font-size: 18px !important;
line-height: 1.8em;
You can change the 18px to a larger or a smaller px value.
You can change the line height 1.8em, which is spacing between paragraph lines to a larger em or smaller em value.
Hope this helps!
Result screenshot. https://prntscr.com/8jfvuw