glad to know everything is fine now! ??
Just a little hint: if you experience more issues, please open different threads. In this way, all problems and requests will be organized, and forum users will likely find the answers to their problems with a simple glimpse to the title of the topics.
Anyway, I just checked the code that prints product thumbnail on wishlist page: it uses ‘shop_thumbnail’ size (you set this dimensions in WC settings, under WooCommerce -> Settings -> Products -> Display -> Product Thumbnail)
If you want to change only the wishlist thumbnail dimensions, without changing thumb on single product page, you can follow this steps:
1. copy wishlist-view.php template from wp-content/plugins/yith-woocommerce-wishlist/templates to your theme root
2. edit the template in your theme, changing line 151
<?php echo $product->get_image() ?>
passing to method custom dimensions to use as an array
<?php echo $product->get_image( array( 180, 180 ) ) ?>
Let me know if this helps
Have a nice day!