• I have been using wordpress for my websites and blogs for years and most of the time they work wonderfully. I love this theme and after all the effort I’ve put in I’d hate to move on, but I’ve hit a road block.

    I love having social icons on my site, but this theme (Great, by Ben Alvele) has way too many. How do I remove some of them? I tried using Appearance>Editor for header.php and also checked the functions sheet and the style.css (among some other shots into the dark), but I am coming up empty. Getting a bit frustrated now.

    Any help truly appreciated. Thank you.

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  • I know what you mean. You can pick from 100 icons so I just found pages on the site and linked to them. Really annoying you cant select how many.

    I went to his site, contact form doesnt work and any social links are dead so no clue how to get support directly.

    Just curious, did you get slider to work?

    I found what you need.
    goto theme editor and open options-config.php (inc/options-config.php)
    Use cntrl- F and find

    * Options array
        $options = array(
            'capability' => 10,

    Change 10 to whatever you want.

    Wow! Amazing what a search will pull up!
    I too just down loaded GREAT, and have the same question about the social media icons!

    Just to confirm (as I am not familiar with CSS) if I cut and paste the above code into the CUSTOM CSS or EDIT CSS page, I can narrow my icons down to the only two that I want?

    For those asking about the slider…. it too was weird to me. I just downloaded a different slider widget.


    you dont add that code

    That is THE code. You are looking for that in the theme. It is located here— goto appearance then editor and open options-config.php (inc/options-config.php)

    then find that code ad change the # 10 to whatever you need

    I’ve tried to change the number in this code via the CCS editor in WordPress, but it doesn’t seem to change.
    Should I go directly into the files on my server and do it that way?
    Will I still be looking for the file options-config.php?

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