I am trialling your MDTF plugin: issues regarding javascript and page results
The first regards your Taxonomies Only Widget. I guess in the slug selection its meant to display slugs from any built in or custom post types I may have. But it only has one selection so this immediately limits it? Why? Secondly I can’t get the custom post types I create through CPT UI to display their slugs here… although I am seeing some from another plug-in so it must be something I’m doing in the way I set-up the custom post type. Thirdly as far as I know there is no way to create relationships between custom taxonomies in wordpress (custom types yes but I can’t see how your plug in would support this). Therefore if I want a simple hierarchical relationship between taxonomies I can create a single hierarchical taxonomy and use your UI ^ separator to label the taxonomy levels (although only in drop-down list box mode not checkbox). However currently the only way I have been able to implement your plug-in is where the java-script fires the instant a user changes a setting. So in your country>region>city example as soon as a user clicks on country all the search results for that country are displayed. And it resets itself to country selection again so I can never drill down to the city level. How can a prevent the javascript from firing automatically when a criteria is changed… instead after several criteria have changed when the user hits a ‘submit’ button? Finally the search results always refresh to a different page to the one I have the filter on even though I have specified the filter page in both the Plugin Option and the Widget level. I have no idea why it is doing this but makes the whole plug-in untestable and unusable. Can you please help?
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