• Resolved spooky_jack



    I’ve encountered the following problem:
    My teachers choose their availability times at the ‘edit schedule’ page (obviously), but when they press the ‘update’ button nothing happens (nothing is inserted in the database).
    I’ve deactivated all plugins and installed olb from scratch, but still nothing. The thing is that last time I checked (about 3-4 weeks ago) this was working properly. The only thing I didn’t do is switch to an older wp version (I have 4.3.1 at the moment). Is there a compatibility issue with the newest wp version that you know of? Is there anything else I should do?

    Thanks for your answer.


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  • Plugin Author tnomi


    Thank you for your feedback.

    But, I couldn’t reproduce a reported problem from you.
    I made a new site, and only OLB was activated, but no problems occurred.

    WordPress: Ver 4.3.1 / 4.3 / 4.2.4
    OLB: Ver 0.7.2
    Theme: Twenty Fifteen

    I couldn’t find the cause of your problem.
    Try changing the theme to “Twenty Fifteen”.
    Or make and try new test site.

    I wish that your problem is settled early.

    Thread Starter spooky_jack


    Sorry for taking so long to reply, but I didn’t have time to deal with this problem ’till now.
    I found what was causing my issue: I was using the various pages created by this plugin as subpages of others, for example the “edit-schedule” page’s path would be https://www.mywebsite.com/randompage/edit-schedule. So, at the “special pages” section at wp-admin at the “Edit schedule(by teacher) page” field I entered “randompage/edit-schedule”.
    I changed it to just “edit-schedule” and it now works fine.

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