Hi, mjhenterprises, & welcome to the WordPress support forum. Firstly, I’d really like to thank you for including a link to your site. It helps us determine what’s going on far more quickly. 2nd, I’m a pastor’s wife–so–yeah–we need to get this site up & runnin!
There appear to be a few things going on here. Firstly, you can access your dashboard by going to:
so you’re not completely locked out.
I’m not sure whether you’re hosting on a Windows or Linux server, though if my instincts are at all correct, it’s likely Linux. If that is indeed right, then there should be 2 copies of index.php, 1 in your wordpress folder & 1 in your root folder. The last line of the 1 in your root folder should contain:
require( dirname( __FILE__ ) . ‘/wordpress/wp-blog-header.php’ );
There should also be 2 copies of .htaccess, 1 in your wordpress folder & 1 in your root folder.
Under ‘Settings > General’ your site url should be set to https://tabernacleseattle.net & your wordpress url to https://tabernacleseattle.net/wordpress
I’m also wondering if perhaps Openresty might need to be reconfigured to allow the wp-admin to redirect to the login page. This is not software w/which I’m familiar, but I suspect I could likely figure out where the misconfiguration is occurring if I saw the relevant configuration file. Lastly, there are certain security plugins that change the WordPress login url, & clearly I don’t know if you have these in place or not.
A look at your .htaccess file might also prove helpful, if you’d like to paste it into your next reply.
Also–I just noticed this–your theme is actually pointing to https://new.tabernacleseattle.net, whereas it looks like it really should be pointing to https://tabernacleseattle.net. I’m not quite sure how that happened, but…
Please let us know if any of these comments proved helpful, &/or if you have additional questions.