• Resolved SFLeBrun


    In Version of Custom Sidebars, if DEBUG is enabled, you can get a Deprecation Warning from WordPress due to part of the Custom Sidebars code using PHP4 constructors. WordPress as of version 4.3 no longer supports PHP 4 constructor syntax.

    The problem is being generated in the file customsidebars.php on line 80 where the constructor for the class CustomSidebarsEmptyPlugin calls the parent, WP_Widget, constructor.

    Changing code “parent::WP_Widget(…)” to “parent::__construct(…)” will prevent the warning message. The deprecated WP_Widget() constructor calls its __construct() with the same parameters, after calling the WordPress function _deprecated_constructor().


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  • Hey there SFLeBrun,

    Hope you’re well today ??

    We’re aware of this warning and this has already been reported to our developer so it can be fixed in one of the following updates.

    Thank you for taking time to report this and have a nice day ??

    Best regards,



    Hey Bojan!

    This is still an issue 5 months later. Can this be reprioritized?

    Hey there fightthecurrent,

    This is just a warning so it’s not really affecting how the plugin works nor it causes any critical errors.

    Please don’t take this the wrong way we’ll definitely fix this I just can’t promise this will get any high priority as this is not really a critical error if that makes sense.

    Have a great day!



    We have included this plugin on our Premium Themes, However it’s not affecting working process but we need to fix it.

    Fixing is so simple and if you guys have git i can fix it myself.


    Hey there,

    We’ll have an update soon since the plugin hasn’t been updated in while and the update will include the fix for this warning.

    Appreciate your help ??


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